Secret meeting

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Hi there, dear readers! I finally made it! Finally this chapter ain't 2000 words long! It's a lot shorter and I'm so happy because of it! :)
Anyways I hope you'll enjoy this chapter and as always: just leave me some comment and vote if you want to.
Remember: Any kind of feedback is more than welcomed here! :)
Thank you.

The next day after I punched Ed into face, was really weird and quite odd.
All my employees were behaving quite weird around me, they were extraordinary quiet and Joy even didn't talk with me at all.

But it was nothing compares to my own bad conscience because of what did I do to Ed last night.

I mean I had always hated violence in every it's form, no matter if it's physical or mental or any other, I'll still stand up against it, cause I know so badly how much it changes you.
How much it takes from you and how helpless it makes you.
It leaves a mark on you, indelible dirty and eternal mark..

But last night it was me who used violence against someone.
Against Ed.
And I felt so bad for what did I do that I spent all day sitting on the couch in our bus leaving it not even once.
I was totally lost in my messed mind so I didn't even realize when we stopped for another little break somewhere in the middle of nowhere, deep night around us.

I was currently in the middle of all videos and shots my employees had took during this tour so far and since for a last week I didn't do absolutely nothing but fight with Ed I felt kinda guilty, so I had to sort out the best moments at least.
But it wasn't easy, not at all, every scene where Ed appeared was just like an arrow straight to my heart.

What is he doing now..? Probably trying to cool down his mouth. Of course he hates me now.. And who wouldn't if you punched them in the face?

I looked up from notebook and tiredly rubbed my eyes, today I wasn't wearing any makeup so I could do it without a fear that I'll ruin my makeup.

How pleasant...

My eyes traveled to where my employees were just a second ago, but probably left to stretch their tired bodies, some of them went for a cigarette, they left and incredible mess on the table in the front part of our bus.
I sighed as I took off my headphones leaving Freddie Mercury's angel voice singing into empty space, and stood up from couch to clean that mess in our bus.

I took those few steps to the table and started with cleaning when suddenly I heard some voices coming from outside through the window.
I didn't want to listen to my employees talk but when John said my name I couldn't resist no longer.

I tip toed to the window and looked out, making sure they won't see me through window blinds.
They were standing right next to bus in a circle as if this was secret meeting and they didnt want to anybody's else presence.

"..You know guys I love Chloè with all ma heart, but this is too much even for me." John said as he took off his snapback, squeezing it in his hands nervously.

"Yeah, this is too much for all of us. If it's keep going we'll have to leave this tour. I had a talk with Stu earlier and even tho he likes all of us and knows we do our job the best, he's not able to keep it any longer if Chlo won't start act normal." Joy said and inhaled to the quiet night.

"Normal?" Tim reacted with raised eyebrows and a little smirk played on his face.
Everyone started to laugh.

"You know what I mean.. I want back our normally unnormal Chlo." Joy rolled her eyes, letting out a little chuckle.

"But how we'll force her to apologize to Ed?" Josh asked as he switched a snapback with his twin brother.

"I don't know yet. And since we're talking about Ed, did anybody talk with him lately?" Joy traveled with her eyes to look to every her coworker's eyes.

"Actually I did.." Jeremiah said quietly as he lit up his cigarette.

"You did? And?" Everyone reacted on his confession with obvious shock and curiosity.

"Yes, I did. He's good. His mouth is still a little bit swollen but doctor said it will be good before his next concert. So Ed's fine." Jeremiah answered them as he scretched his beard, lost in his own mind.

Others started to talk and joke about it, relaxed after what did Jeremiah say to them.

"He talked about our Chloè too.." Jeremiah mumbled suddenly and everyone's eyes turned to him, worries filled their faces.
I took another tip toe step to the window, even tho it was a risk they'll see me, but I need to know what did he say about me, how much he hates me now.
Just to fucking know.

"He said that what happened last night shocked him as nothing before.." Jeremiah said, looking down on his expensive shoes.

And here it is.. Now it all ends cause of me and my stupidity...

"But he also said that it all was his fault. That he should expect Chloè will react like this.. And that he doesn't  hate her. Not at all..By mi opinion Chloè should go and try to talk things out.." Jeremiah went on and left everyone speechless, me too.

For a couple of minutes everyone were just standing in silence, trying to absorb the power of words that were told.

"You know what? Let's grab some food.. " Josh said after a while, lightful smile playing on his lips.
Everyone were down to that idea so they quickly moved their asses away, but before I lost then from my view Jeremiah suddenly turned to the bus and looked through window straigh to my eyes with his wise look.

It surprised me and all I was able to do was lie down on the floor immediately.

How the fuck did he know I was there?!

I was breathing heavily on the floor, shocked by what did just happen.
But the quiet sound of Freddie's voice coming to me from my headphones I left on the couch slowly calmed my breath.
I've always used to listen to Queen when things went a wrong way.
Because Freddie's voice was just simply gifted by angels and just a first word he sings is enough for me to calm down.
For a while I was studying the bus' ceiling before I finally took all my courage and stood up to face what's in need to do.

I grabbed my cigarettes, I wasn't smoking all day so I felt like I need it now and then I left our bus.

I was that lucky to meet no one during my way to Ed'a bus.

After I finally made it to there I slightly knocked on the doors of his bus, no response.
I tried it again, still no response, but it was light in there so he had to be in.

When I knocked for the 5th time and still got no response from the inside I was highly annoyed, I was about to leave when suddenly I heard a quiet knock coming from the bus' rooftop.
But before I had a chance to think about it I found myself on the ladder on the side of his bus.

What the heck am I doing??

First thing I saw when I finally made it to the top was Ed lying there.
He had simple old jeans and blue hoodie on and his ginger hair were still like a magnet even in that dark night.
He was lying there one arm rested on his face as if he was sleeping.

"Why didn't you just call on me instead of letting me knocking like an idiot?" I asked with annoyed voice, still on that ladder.

Ed lift up his arm a little and took a side look to my direction.

"It's more fun tho." He answered, voice cold and strange.

"Okay.." I mumbled through my clenched teeth and started to go down the ladder, I wasn't in the mood for stupid childish games.

"Wait.. What did you want?" Ed's voice came to me from the rooftop, this time it sounded curious.
I rolled my eyes and went up again.

"I came to talk things out." I answered him as soon as I sat on the rooftop, it was cold and a bit wet.

"Okay. So let's talk." Ed sat suddenly and locked his sharpy eyes on me.

Oh shit... What the fuck am I doing again?

Things you've never had // Ed Sheeran Where stories live. Discover now