Wedding down there

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Hi there, dear readers! I just want to apologize for how long is this chapter. I really didn't mean to but it just happened somehow, but I swear that next chapters will be shorter. :)
Anyways leave me a comment and vote please, just let me know what you think, remember: any kind of feedback is more than welcomed here!
Oh and yeah, enjoy this chapter! Even tho it's still so messed up...

I found myself sitting on the wet grass, hidden in darkness of the night, knees pressed to my chest and arms hugging them tightly to stable that position as I sank my chin between my arms.
I was watching a wedding down hill.

I was like a quiet guest they forgot to invite, like a secret viewer of a romantic movie where everything turns to good at the end, like a hidden stalker of someone's else happiness.

But I didn't mind and they didn't even know I was watching them, first of all I was up on the hill and they couldn't even see me and even if they could they wouldn't look up anyways, cause everybody had eyes just for that wedding couple down there.

The bride was really beautiful with those long blonde hair in cute wavy hairstyle and little flowers tangled into it.
And the groom? Even from the distance I could see how deeply in love he is with her.

That's something I'd want some day...

I didn't even mean to watch their wedding, I came here just to hide from everyone inside the hotel, especially from the gingerhead, and maybe cry my eyes out.. As usually.

How messed I have to be to be such an overdramatic shit?

But as soon as I saw that wedding it made me somehow happier.
I mean.. That pure happiness and awesomeness was something you had to smile about.

I've never been this type of girl who dreams about a big beautiful wedding with the man of your life.
But this makes me change my mind.
Maybe.. Just maybe ..once I'll have my wedding too.. And I'll invite those few people I love and it will be as amazing as possible..

"Why aren't you on your party?" I heard a warming voice suddenly, a little bit cracked.
This voice just destroyed my train of thoughts and brang me back to reality.
I didn't have to turn around to see who it was, I knew it already, but still I did.

The Gingerhead..

He was standing a few feets away from me a slight smile playing on his soft lips, the crooked one, as he grabbed a cigarette he had hidden behind his ear.

I let out a little chuckle when I turned back to that fairy-tale wedding down there.

"So?" He breathed out heavily as he fell down right next to me.
He pressed his knees to his chest just as I did and even hugged his knees with his arms, just as I did, but he made this position more stable and comfy for him by grabbing with his hand a wrist of the other hand.

"I dunno.." I mumbled, sinking my chin back between my arms again, avoiding an eye contact with him.

"C'mon.. Tell me." He chuckled and headed one cigarette to my face.

"Thanks.." I said quietly after he lit it up and I inhaled.
He lit up his cigarette too and poke me to the ribs with his elbow.

"Stop poking me! Or I'll hit you that hard you'll have an-" I stopped myself immediately when I realized what I was about to say.

"What a headache?!" He imitated my horrible accent and tried to cover his laughter.

"No!" I almost screamed and poked him to his ribs, but I couldn't help myself. I had to laugh.

So we started to laugh so loudly I was sure people down there had hear us as we were laughing like two idiots, loudly and happily and so insanely we couldn't stop it.
It was so liberating and natural for us. Beautiful moment.

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