Ms. Bitch's part of story

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Hi there, dear readers! Just a few more chapters and this story will end for good! Anyway dont forget to vote and comment.
It's always nice to read your opinions. :)

After an hour of cuddling and enjoying each other's company I decided to leave Ed's bus and let both of us get some sleep.

Ed stole a quick kiss from me before I left and maybe because of this happiness I didn't notice it at first.

But as I was on my way to our bus I heard it...a quiet sounds of crying and soon I found out who was making those sounds.


She was sitting under the pergola of the gas station, alone, tiny and broken as she was sobbing and trying to hide it behind her palms pressed against her face.

I didn't want to go to her, she clearly didn't deserve it because since she joined us she was nothing but bitch.
But how could I let her sitting there and being totally broken without feeling like a shit anytime I'll think about it later?

"Fuck.." I muttered underneath my breath and headed to the Gas station to get two cups of coffee from coffee maker they've got there.

I somehow managed my way out of the Gas station without making any noise, I didn't want Cherry to notice me, not yet.
But the matter of fact was that if I throw a grenade right in front of her she wouldn't even notice it.

That's bad...

I sat down at the table and put a cup of coffee in front of her shaking hands the other one was mine so I kept it in my suddenly cold hands.

Cherry stopped with sobbing just long enough to look at that cup and then with a hope in her eyes up on me, but as soon as she spotted me instead of Ed as she was hoping to, her face changed in less than a second to the mask of endless hatred.

"How dare you to come to me right now?! Don't you see you already ruined everything what was important to me?!" She screamed on me, voice shaking and high as she pushed that cup away from her.

I wasn't surprised at all, the matter of fact was I deserved it more than anyone, I mean how did I expect she'd want to talk with me after I took Ed away from her?

She was screaming on me for another 10 minutes and I let her, she needed it and it was the smallest thing I could do for her.

After some time I realized that she was silent, no more yelling and accusing and so on.
I strayed to look at her and I knew right away I shouldn't do it because what I saw was too much even for me.
Cherry was just sitting there and hugging herself with her arms as every teardrop roll over her face and ruined her makeup even more, she wasn't looking at me, her eyes never left the table.

I gave her some more time to pull herself together.
Instead of staring at her I decided to look up on the sky and of course my mind had to flow to Ed.
The way he was hugging me and swinging with me in his arms as he was singing me a song, quietly and full of love he was singing this song just for me.
As if no one else had existed.

And then it happened, I laughed out loud, luckily for me Cherry wasn't in the state to notice it or pay attention to it, but still I forced myself to think about my lovely Bacon instead.

It was like a punch in the face, I realized I didn't think about my lovely ginger cat since I stepped into the plane to Spain.

I wonder what he's doing now.. Probably terrorizing all of the cats Mrs. Catlady has... Haha, fuck that little ball of happiness..

"You know we used to be friends since we were just kids?" Cherry suddenly broke out the silence and freaked me out because I wasn't expecting that.

"You did?" I reacted ilogicaly but to be fair I really didn't know what to say or where was she heading with that talk so I decided to take it easy.

"Of course we did!" She gave me a look as if I was the stupidest person she had ever talked to.

Thank you Ms. Bitch...

"Yeah we did.. He would stand in front of my parent's house all night, tossing little rocks at my window to make me go out with him... I never did..." Her face changed in less than a second, suddenly she wasn't that angry and always rude Ms. I am way too good for anyone here, no suddenly she was just a girl mildly bringing up all old memories with her ex boyfriend.

"He never had friends... I was his only friend... If I'm not counting this weird girl always following him around.. Her name was Cat.. Cathy? I don't know, she's Irish and so is her name and I had never bothered myself with learning how to say it right... Haha.. So as I said Ed never had friends... He had me and even tho I would find it a bit annoying he would go anywhere for me and do absolutely anything to catch my attention..."

I was watching her just in the corner of my eye, the last thing I would need is her starting to scream again.
So instead of provoking her with my staring, I lit up a cigarette and inhaled very deeply in purpose to calm down my nerves.

"Would you mind?" I heard her voice but I couldn't believe it, not the words she said but the tone of her voice shocked me, it wasn't rude or haughty, it was quiet and kind and she said it as if she meant it.

I glanced at her to see she was pointing on my cigarette pack aimlessly lying on the table.
I nodded very slowly, still in a constant shock.

I never heard about her being a smoker and now she's asking me for a cigarette?! What the fuck is happening here??

She lit up the cigarette and I saw I was mistaken she knew for sure how to smoke and obviously this wasn't the very first cigarette in her life.

"I know you won't believe it.. But I really loved him.. All the way through our..relationship I was just trying to feel the same amount of love coming from him.. But the more I tried the more he was pushing me away... And I know I wasn't the best girlfriend to ask for but I really did my best to make him happy... Of course I was a bit possessive, wasn't I? But the fact is aren't we all like this when we feel the other one doesn't love us the same endless love we love them?" Cherry exhaled to the night around us and I was wondering how much it cost her to stay with Ed for so long without feeling love enough.

And suddenly I didn't see her as a jealousy possessive psychopath, no more.
All I saw was a girl totally destroyed by a guy breaking her heart, piece by piece for so many years.

She managed herself to look me in the eye and it was as if I saw my mother there, the same glassy eyes and empty sight.

To say I was horrified wouldn't be enough to describe how I felt when I met her empty eyes.

I tried to force myself to speak or at least do something but I was as if someone cursed me.
Not a word.
Not a move.

But she obviously wasn't waiting for me to speak or do anything, because she threw away a cigarette butt and stood up, gifting me a last sad smile.

"I hope you'll make him happy when I'm out of the game.." She smiled at me and it wasn't poisoning or rude, she wasn't angry..
It seemed as if she really wished that I'll make Ed happy.

And that's what broke my heart..

I was watching her as she was slowly walking away from me, calling Taxi to get her our of this fucked up place and for the first time in my life I felt that it was me  who destroyed someone's life....

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