Here we are

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Hi there, dear readers! We're slowly getting to the end of this story, I just felt like I should share it with you. Idk :D
Anyways enjoy this chapter and please leave me votes and comments, just let me know what you think! :)
Remember: Any kind of feedback is more than welcomed here!

We had been on the way for more than an hour when I started to recognize surroundings around us.
Just as this little farm we passed by a minute ago or that bush of tree I used to hide into when I was just a kid or this tiny old dirt road which heads to one particular house...

So... How does it Ed sings in one of his songs? I can't wait to go home... Oh how I wish this was truth...

I slowly turned our car on that dirt road, hoping it won't roll over or something.

As soon as we were that far we couldn't be seen from the road I stopped the car and lit up another cigarette.

Don't mind me for smoking too much, there's no getting through what I'm gonna do than smoke my head out..

"Have you trusted me back then?" I asked Ed, not taking a single look at him when I passed him over a cigarette.

"Of course I did." He replied to me, shocked, as if he couldn't believe I asked him this.

"Right from the start?" I raised my eyebrows and slowly exhaled as I opened the car window.

"Nope." He said after a while, popping out the 'p' as he started to roll with the lighter in his hand.

"What made you?" I chuckled a little.

"Your eyes.." He answered and I stole a little look at him to find out he had one of his slight smiles on his face, the dreamy one, when he rested his head on the backrest and looked out of the car.

I felt when my heart melted just by seeing this smile because of a hidden memory where I was.

"My eyes..?" I asked, totally confused by what did he say when I finally managed myself to stop staring at him and say something.

"Yeah.. You've got that kind of eyes.. You know.. Those which are supposed to tell stories through.." He went on, still with that dreamy smile on his face.

"Oh.." I just breathed out, I was surprised and confused, this wasn't where I planned it to go.

"This kind of eyes have just two types of people... Those sensitive enough to feel pain of others.. and then those who went through a lot of pain by themselves.. To be honest with you I've never seen eyes filled with such a pain like yours.. But still I can't decide which one is you." After he ended his speech he took a side look at me as a little smile ran over his face.

I was just staring at him. Unable to speak. Unable to move. Unable to even think about something else than what the fuck is this guy thinks about while he's in his own world?!

"Well... You'll have a chance to find out now. Here we are." I announced to him while I was looking for my phone.

"Here..?" Ed repeated after me with voice full of disbelief when he exited the car.

"Yeah, we have to leave our car here, it's not safe to drive with a car where we're heading to. It's just a 15 minutes walk, c'mon." I said, trying to sound calm and stable, but deep inside of me was little girl screaming in an instant panic.

"Okay..." Ed mumbled, obviously shocked by himself letting me lead him to the deepest and darkest forest he had ever seen.


I can't even remember what was I thinking about during that 15 minutes walk through the forest to if I remembered it right should be my father's house.

And really, after 15 minutes we stepped into something that couldn't be considered as nothing else but a dump.
The waste dump.
It looked even more disgusting than I remembered.
To be honest it wasn't nothing more than a few meters of the ground covered with an incredible amount of stinking garbage and in the middle of all that was a half cracked caravan, partially roofed with torn trapauline.

I immediately felt embarassed as hell for where did I brought Ed, but still I took a quick side look at him to see how's he dealing with that situation and to my endless surprise he was totally chill and I felt right away a weird wave of symphaty towards this ginger weirdo for being there with me.

I would lie if I said I wasn't shaking all over my body, I could only barely breath, it was as is I was underwater and with every step I made I dived deeper and deeper, away from the surface and oxygen.

"Here we are." I mumbled when we stepped on what was probably supposed to be a doormat, but who knows what is under that layer of dirt?
I looked on door of what I used to call home and suddenly it didn't seem like that good idea, not at all.

I was so glad that the front light was on, I didn't want to meet my family or whatever it is under the cover of the darkness.

Suddenly I felt a warm hand slightly squeezing mine.
I freaked out a little, but then I finally managed my eyes to look up to the owner of this warm and calming hand.

Ed sent me one of his slight smiles,the cheering one as he squeezed my hand once again just as if he was saying 'don't worry, I'm here, with you' and a moment later I was sure he was reading my mind lately, because he reached to my ear and whispered:

"Don't worry, Chloè. I won't let anyone to hurt you..again..."

Again?! How the fuck does he know..?!

But before I could think about it more we heard some noices from inside the caravan as if someone's body just fell down on a billion alcohol bottles.
It was followed by rough and drunken voice swearing in old French.

My dad..

Ed squeezed my hand harder this time and I was grateful for that because otherwise I'd faint down.

I tried to focus on Ed's pleasant lemon and something sweet smell to calm down my nerves, but it was kinda hard when I knew that just behind the door is my worst nightmare himself.

When someone grabbed the door button I was about to run away, to the darkest forest around us, to that bush of tree from my childhood, to the car we left just a few feet away from the highway, anywhere else but here.

But Ed's presence next to me, while he was squeezing my hand to calm down my nerves and his endless peace stopped me from that plan.

Suddenly someone opened the door and in the next second I was staring into my father's face.
His angry and confused face turned into the most disgusting satisfied smirk I had ever seen.

"Look who came back, buggy buggy, I knew you'll come back." He smirked at me and if there wasn't Ed to grab me around my waist I'd definitely faint down...

Things you've never had // Ed Sheeran Where stories live. Discover now