A Phone-call

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Hi there, dear readers! I just want to let you know how hard it was for me to write about angry Ed. So I hope you won't be offened by it.
I mean.. A mad Ed?! Haha, that's a little bit impossible to imagine, isn't it?
Anyways I hope you'll enjoy this chapter and if you want to then leave me some votes or comments, any feedback is more than welcomed here. ;)

I was literally scared in that moment, when Joy left me there.
She didn't want to but as soon as I saw that she's getting ready to kick Mr. Fucking Asshole Sheeran down, I had to make her leave.
Mr. Fucking Asshole Sheeran gave Joy a little forced smile before he smacked the doors behind her.

So now it was just me and him, together in one restroom.

While I was just trying to stay calm and avoid him to see how messed and scarred I was, he was just almost running there like a lion in a cage. Gibger angry lion.

What the fuck happened?!

"Tell it." I rolled my eyes, pretending how bored I am with all this shit.
He turned his angry face to me, it's not even possible for him to be mad.
Like this.
Until something did really screw up...

He took a quick look at me and I could possibly see how those blue eyes of his turned into sharp knives ready to kill me.
I was so scarred right in that moment. I used to know a preson who had this kind of sight before everything turned to shit as always...

"Did you lost your mind?! Why the fuck did you do that?! Okey I get it you hate me! But why did you do that?!" He yelled at me as he ran through his hair with his fingers, shaking in anger all over his body.
That brang me back to the reality, nor that I wanted to be there..

What? What did I do?

"Ehm..?" I raised my eyebrows in confusion, what the actual fuck was he talking about?
"Oh.. So you wanna tell me you don't know?!" He smiled bitterly.
"Um..yes?" I really tried to understand what he was talking about, but I still didn't get it.
My brain was almost burning itself how deseprately I was looking for anything I'd do to make him so mad.

"Why the actual fuck you made a phone call with Cherry?! Are you likea a besties now or what?!" He snapped at me, he was so angry but I appreciated that he was staying near to the doors, not taking any single step towards me, respecting my personal space, because otherwise I would rather jump out of that window than confront with him.
I've had confrontations like this before.. It never ends good for me.

"What?!" I yelled as I felt that endless shock filling my body.
It was all I was able to say, I was so shocked by what did he just say.

"Don't you dare lie to me.." He mumbled, staring at me as he leaned against the wall.
Totally angry and tired of this bullshits happening around him.

"Why the fuck should I lie to you?! AND why should I call your freakin' girlfriend, for god's sake, did you hit your head on your way here or something?!" I yelled at him, the truth is that I wanted him to feel terrible, but hey.. C'mon I want it to be a fair-play.
No bullshits like this.
But by the sight he gave me he, obviously, wasn't about to believe me.

How surprising!

"You wanna tell me she just random called me and yelled at me for like 20 minutes about why are you with me on my tour?!" He snapped again and his blue eyes went to darker shade of blue.
The darkest shade of blue I've ever seen.

"She did?" I raised my eyebrows, I was really surprised. No fake.
"Yes, she did. And you were the only one motivated enough to call her and tell her that we are on tour together!" He yelled, taking another few steps in that tiny space between doors and the wall.

That made me angry, I mean what the actual fuck does he think I am?!

"Do you have in that ginger head of yours anything besides music and bullshits?! Why would I call your girlfriend?! Our last meeting wasn't anything I'd like to do again!" I yelled back, loosing the rest of my patience with this ginger asshole.

That took him his words and left him speechless.
And I was suddenly speechless too.
I mean I didn't want to tell him this, I've never planned to tell him about how Cherry visited me that one night, but I wanted him to shut up so soo badly, that I just said it, even tho I knew how much this gonna change everything.

"What?" He frowned in confusion, his eyes were skipping between me and the wall behind me as if he was looking for answer, which wasn't about to come.

That gave me a power to win this round again.
To smack him down.
To be honest I'd be probably pretty exhausted by myself and my behaviour if he didn't blame me for this.
I mean he came purposely to me, he was sure that it was me, who called to his girlfriend and told her about me on the tour.
That was what made a freakin' monster from me.

"Yeah, she was there, in my flat a couple of days before you showed up for your stuff and thangs and literally told me that if I'm not staying away from you she'll destroy me! Well I guess she's not that perfect now, is she?" I smiled on him sarcastically before I left that restroom leaving him there, totally lost and speechless.

As I said you're not gonna mess with me, ginger!
Anyways... I wonder who would want to destroy Ed's happiness so badly to call his girlfriend and say her about me on Ed's tour... There was only one person who knew that.. Joy...!

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