Matt and Matt

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Hi there, dear readers! Here's finally new chapter and I have to apologize for how long it it (2100 words) I tried my best to edit it but as you can see without any result.
Anyways I hope you'll enjoy this chapter and please leave me comment and vote if you want to.
Remember: Any kind of feedback is more than welcomed here!

After some time I slowly woke up to the sounds of the car on the road and Ed's quiet humming next to me.

I turned to him, slowly and quietly, obviously he didn't found out I was awake, not yet and so he was behaving as if he was alone in the car.

He was quietly tapping with his fingers to the steering wheel in the rhythm of a song which was playing in his mind.
It was one of those moments he slip down into his own universe.
His face seemed so relaxed and dreamy as if he wasn't beaten because of me an hour ago.
Ed suddenly smiled to himself as if he remembered something funny, it was his usual slight smile, the happy one, and in the dim light of the dashboard this smile was like a starshine.

My eyes traveled to where his arms were, another thing what seemed there kn that dim light of the dashboard almost unearthly were his inked arms, I couldn't help but stare how every tattoo on his arms moved anytime his muscles moved under his skin as if those tattoos had a mind of their own.
I realized that I had never really paid attention to his tattoos, I had never seen how amazing and precious those little ink drawings under his skin are.
On the first sight it looked all dumb and nonsense, I mean who would willingly let someone make them a tattoo of tea cup? But the more I was watching his tattoos the more I saw the hidden meaning of every single one.

"How do you feel?" Ed's quiet voice made me freak out a Little I looked up to his face, he threw a quick look on me through the driver's mirror.

"Fine..You?" I answered and even I was surprised how rough it sounded, as if I had not drunk for years.

"I'm good." He smiled a little and started to look for something in the compartment between us and obviously he knew for sure what he was looking for because his eyes never left the road before us.

After a while of searching he finally found what he was looking for which wasn't anything else but a bottle of water, but when he headed it to me it was as if he gave me a diamond.

I took that bottle and drank it right away, gosh I was so thirsty after that mental breakdown I threw in the car a minute ago.

"Thanks.." I mumbled when I put the bottle back to the compartment.

"You're welcome." Ed chuckled back a little and scratched his stubbled face without a single look at me.

We were driving in a silence for a while the only sound disturbing that silence was Ed's quiet humming, and I liked it that way.

Suddenly my mind flow to my father and what happened a hour ago and to Matt and my mum, I knew that guilty feeling too well to know what's about to come.

"Can we make a stop?" I asked, voice weak and shaking, my eyes never leaving the window and darkness behind it.

Ed didn't say a word, one would say he'll ask thousand questions, but he just stopped the car on the side of the road.
And I was grateful for that I felt like I have to step out of the car in less than a second before I'll throw up.

I literally ran out of the car and it took me a few feet before I stopped with that freaking running and now I was just walking in the circles, trying to clear my mind enough to make it to the hotel without a mental breakdown.

Ed didn't follow me, he just stepped out of the car too and then casually lied on the car's hood, giving me some time alone as if I told him what exactly I wanted, because he exactly fullfied it.

Things you've never had // Ed Sheeran Where stories live. Discover now