ENTRY #30: An Endless Serenade

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Once, they were living happily together. But now, they live in two different worlds. Here’s a story, a tale that never ends. A story about the serenade she endlessly sings. She names it her sanctuary, her refuge, her peace.

There is something that keeps them apart.  A boundary, it gives them just a little bit of time to be with each other, and then separates them after their stolen time comes to an end. A boundary that can’t be broken and neither be destroyed.

 It gives them bitter-sweet memories from each other, a fragment of moments that she treasures. Despite of what they said, having both of them keep their promises that binds them together. Those three words that even the most perfect couple can’t even experience.

‘Forever and Always’

When in fact, something is keeping them away from achieving it, neither makes them experience it. Like they said, ‘Life has too many ironies to understand what it really means; it takes sadness to know happiness and a broken heart to know true love.’

Now, I’ll start telling you a story. We’ll start off from the very beginning. Like a song, I’ll let you hear first the intro. 

There’s a young lady, she’s holding an umbrella that protects her from the pouring rain. She’s standing in front of a mysterious store that she visits almost every day. With uncertainty in her, she slowly opens the door towards another world. She quickly enters inside, and as she went in, she felt the depressing ambiance of the room. She examines and after a while searches for a vacant table.

As she walks past table from table, she inevitably can’t feel but have pity to those who are inside. She reaches the unoccupied table then she quickly sits, beside it is a window. She glances outside as the little drops of rain fell unto the window pane.

She sees an I-pod and a headset on the table she sits in. She connects the headset into the I-pod, and then plugs it into her ear. After that, she stares at the I-pod. She stares at a certain song, a song that could bring about millions of memories and feelings that had once set aside in the corner of her heart.  Moments later, the hesitation that she felt faded away. She took a deep breath, and clicked the play button then closed her eyes.  Tears relentlessly stream down her face. She knew that she would feel happiness;rather, she would feel alive again.

She hears the intro of the song playing; aside from it she hears a crack, at the back of her mind, she knew that theboundary is slowly breaking.  One thing’s for sure, after the first line of the song play the boundary will be broken, and eventually after the song ends, everything would again go back to the way it was. Though, that didn’t bother her because she’ll relive again, and more importantly, she’ll be with him again… even if it’s just for a short moment in time.

And now here she is falling into a deep slumber.  

After the first line of the song, she suddenly felt a gush of cold wind blew past her. She hesitantly opens her eyes, and as she opened it, a memory of her starts to play in front. Overwhelmed, she can’t help but reminisce again the bitter-sweet nostalgia that once had happened.

“Once there was a little girl,” she said. A tear then fell when she saw a lonely little girl who is swinging alone in an old playground.

                She exactly knows who the girl is even if the world would go upside down, the fact that the little girl that is sadly swinging alone on the swing is her.  “She was all alone, there was no one to play with her, she had no one, but then suddenly someone came in,” she said as she sees a little boy walking towards the little girl then stands in front, and slowly raises his hand towards the little girl. Their eyes met, gazed at each other’s face, they then exchanged smiles and in that moment, friendship came.

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