Chapter 7

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Have you ever been in a situation where you just want the earth to swallow you whole, without anyone noticing? That's exactly how I feel right now.

Damn it! She messaged me, calling me out for stalking her, and I responded so stupidly, like a little kid, denying everything. What must she be thinking? That the Indian captain has nothing better to do than stalk girls online? But she was the first one I ever stalked like this. One thing I noticed: she was such a carefree soul. It never felt like we were talking for the first time.

Was I not having that influence on her?

Ugh! Why am I so bothered about what she thinks of me? Trust me, I have never felt this nonsensical, unusual feeling before. Forget it! You're Virat Kohli, you have that charm to leave everyone awestruck.

But it seems like she didn't fall for that.

Right now, with these idiotic thoughts in my mind, I'm in the kitchen, pouring some juice and making sandwiches while Pandya is sprawled out on my couch like he owns the place. Here I am, in my own house, working like a servant because my family had to leave urgently for a function in Punjab, and I couldn't go due to some upcoming shoots. To avoid boredom, I called Pandya over, but now I regret that decision.

"Sir? Here are your starters! Would you like anything else?" I said sarcastically, holding the tray and giving him a death glare.

"Umm, yeah, can I have some cookies too?" Pandya grinned, spreading himself even more comfortably on the couch.

That's it! The word patience is not in my dictionary.

"What about I punch you right in your face?" I snapped, smashing a pillow into his face, making him wince.

"Fine! I'll make lunch," he rolled his eyes.

"That sounds perfect!" I grinned, jumping beside him.

"So, tomorrow is the event! I'm excited! Aren't you?" he said while we were playing FIFA, and suddenly my heartbeat quickened.

"Excited? Nah, it's just a normal fashion event," I lied, though I was as excited as a two-year-old with a new toy.

"Then if you're not interested, I can ask Ro to come with me," he said, raising his eyebrows and looking at me from the corner of his eyes.

"What? No! You can't ask him! I'm coming with you! He's busy with Rits, don't disturb him!" I almost yelled, realizing I had lost the game, which never happened.

Pandya sucked at FIFA, and I always made him lose, but for the first time, he won.

Something's definitely not right.

"Ohhhkayyy! And someone wasn't interested in the event! I see! And I won! I won! I won!" Pandya jumped around, dancing and throwing his hands in the air like he won a gold medal.

"Just one game in so many years!" I laughed.

"Whatever!" he sighed. "But I won!" he grinned again, making me roll my eyes.

After playing for an hour, I excused myself to attend to nature's call, which I had been controlling for the past 15 minutes, and my bladder was about to burst.

When I came back, I saw Pandya on the phone, talking to someone, probably a girl, because he was smiling and teasing her. I stood in front of him, raising my eyebrows with a questioning look.

"Okay, bye Niki Piki!" he said before ending the call.

Niki Piki?

Now, who is this Niki Piki?

"Ahaan! Girlfriend? And you didn't tell me? You broke the bro code!" I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

"I didn't break any bro code!" He chuckled. "She was Nikita! The one you're probably dying to see," he winked, and I settled back on the couch, nervous.

Shit! It was Nikita!

What if she told Pandya about me stalking her?

No! No! It can't happen! Please, for God's sake, don't let it be true. He would never let me live it down during practice sessions.

But he's her best friend! She wouldn't hide it from him.

Ugh! Kohli, just ask Pandya instead of letting your thoughts run wild.

"Bro! Are you okay?" he clicked his fingers in front of me.

"Umm, yeah! What did she say?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"Nothing much, she's coming here in 10 minutes," he said casually, eating a sandwich.

"Oh...okay...wait, what? She's coming here? Why? How? When?" I realized what he said, feeling like the ground had shifted under my feet.

"Chill, bro! She won't kill you! She's coming because I promised to meet her," Pandya smiled, clearly enjoying my discomfort.

"And why did you promise her when you're with me?" I crossed my arms, giving him a death glare.

"She'll leave in just half an hour. We haven't met in a while. The event is tomorrow, and I want to wish her luck personally," he said, making the cutest face possible.

"And you didn't even ask me? I would've canceled our plans!" I huffed.

"I didn't want to say no to you. You both are my best buddies," he pouted.

"Ugh! I hate you, Pandya!" I rubbed my face in frustration.

Okay, just half an hour, Kohli! What's the worst that could happen?

Pandya and her making fun of me?

Pandya will definitely gang up with the teammates if he finds out I stalked her!

I've never felt this nervous! Even scoring a century is easier than facing her right now!

Do I have a choice? Nah! Get ready, Virat!

I changed from boxers to pyjamas and put on a white t-shirt just as the doorbell rang. Nervously, I took steps towards the door.

And there she was.

Oh my helpless Virat!😂😍
And cute pandya😻

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