Chapter 21

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The alarm rang at 8 in the morning, shattering my sleep. I quickly silenced it, not wanting to disturb the beauty sleeping beside me. As I looked at her, I was awestruck; her head rested on my arm, sleeping so peacefully. Carefully, I tucked the stray locks away from her face, revealing the most innocent expression ever. Even in her sleep, she managed to take my breath away effortlessly. It pained me to leave her side and head to the practice session.

I attempted to move my arm from beneath her head, but she resisted, shifting closer to me. Now, her head was on my chest, and her hand wrapped around my torso.

It was a heavenly feeling.

Who was taking advantage of whom now?

Baby, I can't leave if you hold me like this. Don't make it harder for me. I struggle to maintain control and resist doing what I want, and here she is, making it impossible for me. I kissed her hair and breathed in her fragrance. I yearned for this closeness now. It was regrettable that I couldn't stay like this; otherwise, I would never have left this position she held me in.

Once more, I attempted to extricate myself from her embrace. Only I knew how difficult it was for me. Before heading to freshen up, I kissed her forehead.

If only it were possible to have her in front of my eyes 24/7!

I returned after a shower, clad in just a towel, and found that she had woken up. She was yawning and stretching as I entered the room. Her expression shifted from sleepy to horrified as soon as she saw me, covering her eyes and peeking through her fingers, which made me chuckle.

"Always walking around shirtless?" She complained, shielding her eyes, then peeking through her fingers.

"Feeling weak in the knees?" I teased, flaunting my abs.

"In your dreams! Hunh!" She rolled her eyes.

"Well, then you do a lot of things in my dreams," I laughed, noticing her blush that she tried to conceal.

That's why I love teasing her—her cheeks turn red in seconds!

"You are insane!" She shook her head.

"I may be insane, but what about you? Do you realize how you were sleeping?" I asked, raising my eyebrows as I put on a T-shirt.

"What do you mean, how I was sleeping?" She furrowed her brow.

"You took advantage of me! I was completely innocent!" I combed my hair, looking at myself in the mirror.

"You and innocent would be like people hating pizza!" She chuckled.

"Right. Anyway, I'm off to the practice session. Are you coming, or are you going back to sleep?" I asked, picking up my bag, hoping she would join me.

"It's just a practice session. What will I do there? I'd rather sleep," She yawned again.

My cute, sleepyhead!

What will you do? I want you with me. Is it that difficult to understand?

"As expected. Well, I have to go. I'll meet you later. Bye, baby!" I blew her a kiss, and she pretended to catch it.

"Bye, Vee!" She smiled.

Ah, every time she smiled, I knew I was defeated!

Wait, what did she just call me?

"Vee?" I raised my eyebrows.

"You don't like it?" She pouted.

"I love it!" I smiled and left the room.

As I walked down the corridor, I saw Sakshi bhabhi with Ziva heading towards me.

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