Chapter 32

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|Third person Pov|

Virat was traveling back to Mumbai after completing yet another winning series.

"Cheeku? Kya hua yaar? Kab se dekh raha hoon, chup baitha hai!" Rohit clicked his fingers, noticing Virat lost in another world.

Anyone could see something was wrong. Since last night, when he convinced himself that Niki had cheated on him, he was shattered. He hadn't slept the whole night, thinking only of how his girl had betrayed him. Little did he know, it was all a misunderstanding. But that one misunderstanding was enough to spoil everything.

"Nothing, bhai! I just need some rest." He made an excuse and shut his eyes to avoid more questions.

He didn't want to tell anyone except Hardik, who was on a break. Anger fuming inside, he had already decided to end everything with Nikita. Despite how much he loved her, all he could think about were the conversations that led to this huge misunderstanding. He wasn't even considering that he might be wrong. The differences that had been building up for months had now exploded, and there was no calming him down.

Meanwhile, Nikita was lost in her own world. Virat's phone was switched off. She was pregnant, and all she wanted was to tell Virat and find a solution. She paced around her home, crying every few minutes, just waiting for Virat so she could spill out the news. She was broken. Early that morning, Vicky called to inform her that she had been selected for the project. Tears wouldn't stop as she realized she couldn't work until she figured out what to do. Poor soul didn't know her man was coming to end their relationship.

Virat's flight landed in Mumbai in the afternoon. The team was shocked by his strange behavior. He, usually the most entertaining one, was now distant and irritable. Without much conversation, he left the airport.

"Sir! Sir! Back-to-back wins! How do you feel about it? Any credit to lady luck?" The media surrounded him.

"For God's sake, can you let me live in peace?" He shouted, silencing everyone.

His frustration and anger toward Nikita were coming out in the wrong way, but he didn't care. All he wanted was to escape this chaos.

Rohit apologized to the reporter on his behalf. He knew Virat never talked rudely to reporters. It was clear something was bothering him, but knowing Virat wouldn't talk about it, Rohit didn't press further.

"Cheeku, take care," he said, patting Virat's shoulder. Virat nodded.

Virat headed straight to Nikita's apartment. The entire way, he could only think about her. Numerous thoughts swirled in his mind, none positive. Small fights and misunderstandings had escalated to the point where he wasn't willing to listen to anyone. The belief that she had betrayed him never left his mind. He was too angry to consider there might be another side to the story.

He reached her apartment. With shaking hands, he knocked on the door. For a moment, he considered leaving, but something held him there. Without knocking, he found the door open and slammed it with his foot, seeing Nikita sitting on the couch.

She looked up, surprised by his entrance, but her emotions overwhelmed her seeing him. She stood up, smiling with relief.

"Vi..." She opened her arms, but he cut her off.

Virat breathed heavily, threw his bag away, and approached her.

Her arms fell as he rejected her embrace.

"Was it that hard to keep your legs crossed for a few weeks?" he shouted, gripping her shoulders.

She froze, unable to believe what he just said. The man she had longed to see was now accusing her.

"Virat!" She tried to understand his words, unable to process them.

"Why, Niku? Why? I loved you, and you cheated on me for some bloody project? Was it really that important?" His frustration was evident. He had been holding this inside for so long, and now it spilled out ruthlessly.

She stumbled, leaning on the couch to regain her balance. She knew she hadn't been giving him enough time, but betrayal? How could he think that?

"Virat! What are you talking about? Are you mad?" She tried to hold his hand, but he pushed her away.

For the first time, she saw such anger in his eyes, and it scared her. Angry Virat was someone she never wanted to see because he lost himself in his rage and said things he might regret later.

"Yes, I was mad to trust you! I heard all your filthy conversations! I haven't told Virat about it? How could you say that!" He ruffled his hair and threw a vase from the table.

She became a little scared, knowing how uncontrollable he could get in anger.

"You are not in your senses! Are you doubting me? I know things have been rough, but that doesn't mean you can say whatever you want." She couldn't take it anymore. She had given everything to Virat and couldn't stand these false accusations.

"Stop lying, Niku! I heard it myself. I don't want to repeat that shit! Congrats on your project! Now I know how you became a top model!" He chuckled sarcastically, not realizing the weight of his accusations.

"Enough!" She slapped him suddenly.

The silence in the room became even more oppressive. His eyes widened, and he clenched his fists, trying to control his anger. But she couldn't take such false statements.

"Enough, Mr. Virat Kohli! Just enough! No one has ever questioned my character, and you, the person I loved, doubted me? Have I ever questioned your past? Don't make me say things I don't want to, Virat!" She was already going through so much, and now his behavior broke her patience.

"You made me doubt you! Enough of your tears and rants! Miss Nikita Sinha, I will never forget this slap! I wish you were never mine. I wish we never cross paths again." He slammed the door and left without looking back.

She stared at the door, trying to process what just happened. Nothing could be worse for her. She loved him unconditionally, yet her loyalty was questioned.

Was it her fault she couldn't gain his trust?

Or was it his ego and anger that ruined their relationship?

For the first time, she hated her name because he had never called her Nikita. Her name sounded so strange. Their once-envied relationship was now over. He left without listening to her, not knowing she was pregnant.

She broke down, crying on her knees, knowing it wasn't good for her health but unable to stop. His anger overshadowed everything, and he didn't feel the need to hear her out.

Good things eventually came to an end, and now she had no idea how to live. As a top model, she couldn't work on her dream project, she had to hide her pregnancy from the media, and the man she loved had left her due to trust issues. Life was testing her.

Would she be able to fight against the odds?

Would Virat ever know about his child?


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