Chapter 8

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It was 8 in the morning, and I was almost ready to leave home for the final rehearsal. Tomorrow was the big event day. I quickly prepared breakfast and black coffee while talking to Panda. It had been a long time since we'd met. Every time we planned to meet, either his practice sessions or matches would come up, or my shoots would get in the way. But today, he promised to meet me no matter what.

I grabbed my car keys and left the apartment. Panda called again to tell me he was at Virat's house and that I should come over. A little smile crept onto my face at the mention of the captain's name, and then I laughed, remembering how he had stalked me and then denied it.

I had never interacted with him personally. I thought about telling Panda how his captain had stalked me but decided against it. He might feel embarrassed.

But why do you care about how he would feel?

As I drove, I kept imagining how Virat would react when he saw me. I wanted to see his expression. He would definitely want to dig a hole and bury himself.

After an hour's journey, I finally reached Kohli's house. It was beyond amazing from the outside.

I told the guard and rang the bell when I reached the door. Virat opened it.

There was complete silence between us. His eyes scanned me from top to bottom, and I quickly glanced at him.

Okay, no doubt he was hot. The way his biceps popped out of his t-shirt and those tattoos were the biggest turn-ons. Then, suddenly, I got a call from my assistant, so I gestured for him to wait a minute.


As soon as I opened the door and started looking at her, she got a call and asked me to wait. That gave me the perfect opportunity to admire her.

She stood in front of me like a dream. Wearing blue shaded, rugged jeans with her bare skin peeking through the knees, pulling every ounce of my self-control. Her short crop top matched perfectly, and it was just short enough that I could see her belly. The way she swayed it left and right while talking on the phone made me want to pick her up and make her mine.

Her hair was tied in a messy bun with little strands falling on her face, and I clenched my fists to resist the urge to tuck them behind her ear. She was hopelessly gorgeous.

Something is definitely happening to me. I've never noticed a girl like this before.

There wasn't a single feature of her that went unnoticed by me.

Finally, her call ended, and when her eyes met mine, I forgot how to breathe. Those dark brown eyes twinkled more than any star in the sky.

The silence broke when she clicked her fingers in front of me, stepping closer. I inhaled her scent.

So damn good! It was a cherry-flavored scent, and it smelled breathtaking.

Cherry is my favorite fruit. It's decided from today!

"Hey stalker!" she said, making my eyes widen.

What did she just call me?

A stalker? I am not a stalker!

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