Chapter 31

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"I'll be there sharp at 2," I said to Vicky, the person I was working with for an important shoot. This project was crucial for my career—a Hollywood project that could elevate me to the next level. Missing this golden opportunity was not an option.

Since Virat left for his series, I had been working tirelessly to complete various ad shoots and prepare for this project. I barely had time to speak with my love. I knew Virat was trying his best to make time for me, but I wasn't giving him the attention he deserved. I was entirely consumed by my work, determined to focus solely on this until my selection.

Virat was understandably upset, seeing that I was constantly avoiding his messages and barely speaking to him on calls. But I had waited for this opportunity for so long; I didn't want to regret anything later. For once, my work became my priority. Getting into this Hollywood project was on my bucket list. Just a few more days, and when Virat comes back, I'll make him understand. I know he will. I was dying to see that big smile on his face, and that's why I was hiding this project from him. It was challenging to conceal messages and calls, especially when he kept asking about them. I breathed a sigh of relief, knowing he had just one more match before returning to me.

With these thoughts, I got up from bed and went to freshen up. Today was the main shoot. For the past two days, I had been feeling weak and dizzy. It wasn't just normal weakness; it was something else. Still, I didn't pay much attention because I had waited for this project for so long, and I didn't want anything to ruin it.

I quickly took a warm bath, dressed in a jumpsuit, and headed to the studio where the shoot was happening.

I called Anusha, my childhood friend who was now a top model. She was returning from a long trip and was supposed to meet me today.

"Anusha! When are you meeting me?" I burst out.

"Easy, Niks! You were busy with your boyfriend when I called you to meet. By the way, I'll come right to your shoot, and I want to meet Virat too! I told you, right? He was my crush," she squealed with excitement.

"He's on tour, and you better meet me first. See you at 3!" I chuckled.

"Fine! Bye bye!" she ended the call.

Soon, I reached the studio where all the arrangements for the shoot were underway.

"Niks! Babe!" Vicky, my photographer for the day and a very good friend, greeted me with a side hug.

"Heya! So, is everything set?" I asked, looking around.

"Yeah, just a few more minutes, and we'll start! In the meantime, go and change. Your outfit is ready in the dressing room!" He smiled, and I nodded.

I was about to head to the dressing room when I saw Aryan talking with other crew members.

What the hell was he doing here?

I hadn't worked with him since he started spreading stupid rumors about us. He was an evil guy!

I turned back to Vicky with an annoyed face and raised my eyebrows for an explanation.

"What? Didn't you like the outfit?" He pouted, looking at me and then back at the stage members who were setting up the lights and camera.

"No! What the hell is Aryan doing here? You know our history, Vicky! He has always troubled me," I groaned in frustration.

"I'm sorry, Niks. I know everything, but I can't help it. He's been appointed as an assistant by the selection committee. I can't do anything about it. Just be professional. You know how to handle this," he said, putting his hand on my shoulder to console me.

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