Chapter 42

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| Writer's POV|

Three months had passed, and they were nothing short of a disaster for Virat. Since discovering the truth, he had merely survived each day without her. Even before knowing the truth, not a day went by when she didn't cross his mind—perhaps out of anger, but never did she leave his thoughts for a second. Now that he understood his mistake, he was consumed with guilt for leaving his girl like this, for letting her down. Only he knew how he managed to win the series despite these personal struggles. After all, if Nikita was his life, then cricket was his passion. Finally, the three months were over, and only one thing occupied his mind: getting back to Niki, because he knew his life would be nothing without her.

Accompanied by Hardik, Virat arrived in Mumbai on their way to Niki's apartment. Virat was apprehensive about facing her alone; he didn't know how she would react. Would she forgive him, or would she never want to see his face again? For the first time, the fearless Virat Kohli was scared of something. These thoughts threatened to overwhelm his mind, making Hardik's presence essential; perhaps he could handle the situation better than two people who were in love but not together.

They reached her doorstep, and Virat was trembling, his legs struggling to support him. For a moment, he felt he couldn't go through with this. Facing the same girl he had shouted at months ago was daunting, but he had to do it. He couldn't afford to lose her.

He moved towards the door nervously, step by step, and suddenly stopped. The door was locked. He froze on the spot, exchanging looks with Hardik. Countless questions flooded his mind in an instant. Where was she? Was she okay? Why wasn't she here? His eyes threatened to tear up. For three months, he had yearned to see her face, to feel her touch. All he wanted was to kneel down and confess how wrong he had been not to trust her, but she wasn't there.

He rushed to the courtyard, recalling there was always a spare key hidden in the mailbox. To his surprise, instead of a key, there was a letter. He pulled it out with a mix of confusion and worry, reading it in one go. It was the same letter Niki had left before departing, pouring out all her emotions. As he read it, he couldn't help but despise himself more.

He sank to his knees, crying while reading the letter repeatedly. Hardik rushed over, trying to console him, but it was futile. She had left without a word to anyone, and it was all because of him. He felt as though he had almost lost her. He would never forgive himself. Reading the letter over and over, searching for any clue about her whereabouts, but there was none. Hardik attempted to call her countless times, but there was no response. If she had left without a trace, she had likely changed her number too. He asked Hardik what they should do now, where they could find her.

He couldn't sit idle while she lived in guilt for the rest of her life. Nothing came to mind—nothing. He called her manager, her assistant, but no one knew where she was, and those who did weren't willing to tell him. All they said was that Niki was no longer pursuing modeling. This revelation shocked Virat. Modeling was her passion; why would she leave? But that was the least of his concerns at the moment. His priority was finding her. One line from the letter caught his attention:

"Something significant happened in my life that led me to make a decision to leave."

He pondered what could have happened to prompt her sudden departure without telling anyone. His mind drew a blank; all he could think about was how to be with her. He couldn't let her slip away like this, not at any cost.

Hardik suggested going to her family and asking them. She could hide from anyone else, but not from her family. A glimmer of hope flickered in Virat's eyes, prompting him to act immediately. He booked a flight to Chandigarh without delay. He promised himself he wouldn't give up until he found her, no matter the cost. He knew he had made a mistake, and he had to make amends, no matter what.

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