Chapter 27

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Another winning series. Team effort led to another whitewash. I was happy because we won, but also because now I could spend some time alone with my love. It had been a hectic schedule for both of us, and a break was much needed. We were on a flight back home, and I thought of messaging her about when I was coming, but then it wouldn't be a surprise anymore. Since it had been so long since we last saw each other, I wanted to make it special. I had already planned our special date before leaving for the series.

As soon as the flight landed and I restarted my phone, it was flooded with missed calls and messages from her. I knew she must be mad at me, but sorry, baby, it's a surprise.

It was already evening when I reached my apartment. I quickly freshened up and changed into a blue t-shirt and jeans. I grabbed my car keys and headed to Niku's house.


This guy, I tell you! I had been pacing around since morning, and Virat hadn't even thought of telling me where he was. His series was over; he should have been back by now. He wasn't answering my calls or replying to my messages. My shoots were mostly done, and I had some time off to spend with him—if only I knew where he was.

I was pissed off, but more than that, I was worried. He never does this. He always informs me about everything, but this time, I didn't know what was on his mind. It was already night, and still no sign of him.

Just as I picked up my phone to call him one more time, it started ringing. It was him.

Finally, my man got the time to call me!

You're so gone, Kohli!

"Where the—" I started, but he cut me off.

"Shhh! Don't say anything now! I know you're mad at me. But for now, just come downstairs. I'm outside your apartment! Fast, in five minutes!" he said as quickly as he could.

"Vee? What are you doing outside? And where were you?" I asked, ignoring what he said.

"Baby, I'll tell you everything. For now, can you just come, please?" he said in the cutest way.

"But I'm in my night suit!" I bit my lower lip.

"Ugh! Just come as you are! Right now!" he ordered.

"Fine," I sighed and cut the call.

I immediately slipped on my shoes and, as he said, came outside in my shorts and top. I saw Virat leaning against the door, dressed up with a wide smirk on his face.

I walked toward him, crossing my arms over my chest and staring at him for a while.

"What the hell is all this?" I narrowed my eyebrows.

"Just get in the car, angry bird," he said, clutching my hand and opening the door for me.

"Where are we going, Virat?" I asked as he started the car.

"To our long-pending date. I'm sorry, babe, I didn't give you a single hint about it, but then I would have missed this look of yours, which I didn't want to," he grinned, glancing at me.

"Mean Kohli!" I murmured, stomping my feet and hurting myself.

"You said something, baby?" he chuckled.

"Virat, you are perfectly dressed, and look at me! I'm in my night suit! This isn't how I wanted our date to be," I scoffed, looking out the window.

"Niku?" he called out, and I looked at him with a questioning look.

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