Chapter 34

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"Maa, I don't feel like eating anymore." I sighed, leaving my dinner unfinished as I headed upstairs to my room.

It had been exactly a week since our separation. A week since I left Nikita's house, ending everything. I still couldn't get over what she did, and I knew I would never be able to forgive her.

I hadn't told anyone about it, although Bhai constantly asked what was wrong. My behavior was a dead giveaway. I was spending more time in the gym, channeling my aggression there, getting pissed off at little things, and neglecting my strict diet. I hated this. She had ruined me and left my life in pieces, and I didn't know what to do. I canceled all my pending shoots. I wasn't in any state to do anything, but our next series was coming up, and I had to perform exceptionally well. No matter how hard I tried to erase her from my mind, I couldn't.

"Cheeku? May I come in?" Maa peeped through the door, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Hanji Maa! Of course, you don't need to ask." I stood up from the bed as she came in and sat beside me.

"What's wrong, Virat?" she asked in a serious tone.

"Nothing, Maa. All good!" I forced a smile. I couldn't tell her; I knew how much she liked Nikita.

"Beta, you can't fool your mom. I've been noticing you since you came here. It's okay if you don't want to talk about it now, but you know I'm always here for you, right?" She caressed my cheek, offering reassurance.

I hugged her, unable to lie any longer.

"Is this about Nikita? This is the first time you haven't mentioned her name," she asked, hitting the nerve I was least interested in exposing.

Just hearing her name made anger surge through my body. I clenched my fists, taking a deep breath to maintain control.

"Maa, I'm fine, trust me," I groaned, changing the topic.

She left the room, giving me a heartwarming smile, but I knew she wasn't satisfied with my answer. I had no other choice.

The next morning...

I had become insomniac. There was no difference between morning and night for me; all I did was stay awake, thinking about her. It was affecting my health, but who cared?

I was in the gym, working out for the past three hours. It was the only way I could deal with my aggression. I spent most of my time there.

I sat down, leaning against the wall, exhausted. As I wiped the sweat from my face, I saw Rohit coming in. I was too tired to get up, so I stayed where I was.

"Hey, bro!" Rohit smiled and sat down beside me.

"What are you doing here? Practice starts tomorrow, not today," I said, glancing at him before resuming wiping the sweat off.

"Aunty told me about your behavior and how you're spending most of your time here. You won't tell her anything, I know, but at least tell me, Virat. I'm worried about you! We have a series starting within a week, and I don't want my captain like this," he said, getting it all out in one breath.

Damn! I knew mom would send Rohit.

"Ugh! Mom's getting worried for nothing. I'm fine, Ro!" I looked down.

"Don't lie, captain! I know something's wrong. The way you behaved with the reporter—you're not like this, Virat! Just tell me what's the matter?" He pulled my face towards him, like a little kid being forced to confess.

"God! Why are you so stubborn?" I scoffed.

"I got it from one and only my captain!" He grinned, making me roll my eyes.

"Fine, Ro! Just promise you won't tell anyone, not even mom!" I pointed a finger at him.

I knew he wouldn't let me off until I told him everything.

"Okay, promise! Now spill it!" His eyes lit up, seeing that I had finally agreed to confide in him.

I started, recounting everything that had happened between Nikita and me over the past few months, how small fights escalated into something so big that she cheated on me, and how I ended things with her.

Ro's mouth formed an 'O', unable to speak.

"Ro! Say something!" I shook him, holding his shoulders.

"Virat, are you sure about all this?" he asked, as if doubting my story.

"Of course, bro! I heard all those conversations! I can't be wrong!" I gritted my teeth, trying to control myself.

"I don't know, Virat. Sometimes what you see and hear can be misleading. You only heard, you didn't see. Maybe it's not what you think. I can't imagine a girl like her doing this, and you didn't even let her defend herself!" He spoke sternly.

"What the hell! Are you taking her side now? I wasn't in a state to listen to anything after what I heard! She just wanted to climb to the top, that's it!" I clenched my fist, punching the ground in frustration.

"Calm down! Maybe you're right, but you could be wrong too! Have you told Harry about this?" he asked.

"He's busy with family functions and will be back for the next series. I want to tell him what his best friend did to me!" I huffed.

"Fine! You've already made a decision by ending everything with her. I just hope you don't regret it later," he said, patting my shoulder as he stood up.

"I won't," I muttered in a low voice.


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