Chapter 38

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"Cheeku! Why did you curse the bowler?" Rohit chuckled softly as we celebrated another win in our dressing room.

"He got me out on 99! Wouldn't i be angry?" I scoffed, sitting in a corner while my teammates danced around in celebration.

I felt numb, like I was just going through the motions of life but dead inside. I hated how her memory still lingered, influencing my every move on and off the field. My anger, especially, seemed beyond my control, a constant reminder of what had been lost.

"I know it's not just about getting out. You know that too," Rohit raised his eyebrows knowingly, a mind reader as always.

"Bloody mind reader!" I retorted, flipping him the middle finger.

Lately, even I couldn't understand my own actions. I found myself in fights with teammates who were surprisingly understanding and forgiving.

"Pandya is back; you should talk to him," Rohit suggested, being the true friend who never took offense at my outbursts.

"You're right. I can't carry this burden alone. After all, he deserves to know," I sighed, recalling everything she had done.

"Don't be so sure, Virat. You don't even have proof," Rohit's doubt stung.

"I can never be wrong about this!" I stood up abruptly, heading back to the hotel.

An hour later...

We reached the hotel, and I went straight to my room. Exhausted, I collapsed onto the bed, stretching my arms in weariness when there was a knock at the door.

I got up to find Pandya standing there, having come to me instead.

"Hey, bro! How's it going? How's Niki?" Please, don't ask me that.

"You know better; she's your best friend," I sat on the couch, and he joined me.

"It's been a while since I've talked to her. After this series, I'll meet her with you," he smiled, which only frustrated me more.

"We're not together," I blurted out suddenly.

"What?" His eyes widened in surprise.

"She cheated on me," I said through clenched fists, struggling to contain my anger.

"What are you saying, Virat?" Pandya's tone turned serious.

I took a deep breath, closing my eyes briefly to calm myself before recounting everything from the beginning, explaining how our relationship had deteriorated to this point. Pandya's face darkened with anger, like he could break anything in his path. I had never seen this side of him before.

"Are you out of your mind, Virat? How could you even entertain the thought that she would cheat on you? I've known her since college! I know her better than she knows herself! She loves you, Virat! She's never been involved in anything like this since she started her career! And you accuse her of this? How could you?" He shook his head in disappointment, struggling to control his anger, which was palpable.

"I heard her talking to someone. Don't take her side now. She cheated on me just to get into a project," I banged my fist on the table.

"Are you kidding me? Have you lost your mind? I know Niki. She can't cheat on you! I'm going to find out who took advantage of your anger and spread these lies," Pandya said firmly, crossing his arms.

"Do whatever you want, Hardik! I'm done with this," I replied bitterly. "By the way, how do you plan to investigate when we're here for two more months until the series ends?"

"I'll figure it out. But Virat, just calm down for a moment. Close your eyes and think about her. Do you really believe she would do this?" Pandya's deep voice resonated with conviction, and for a moment, he made me doubt myself.

I followed his instructions, and my heart whispered, "No," but I couldn't bring myself to say it out loud.

Pandya seemed to sense my thoughts and smiled knowingly, leaving me lost in my own turmoil.

"Do you know who she was shooting with?" Thankfully, he changed the subject.

"No, I don't," I replied, my curiosity piqued.

"Alright, I'll find out. And I promise you, Virat, before the next match, I'll prove you were wrong not to trust her," Pandya said confidently, before leaving me to wrestle with my thoughts.

I couldn't comprehend what had just happened. Until now, I had been so sure that I was right to blame her. She had been the reason our relationship had fallen apart. But today, Pandya's words made me question everything. My heart insisted she couldn't have done it, but my mind had already made its decision. Today, I was calm, and that made his words resonate. Back then, I hadn't even been willing to listen to her. Now, all I could think about was how Pandya would uncover the truth. What if he was right, and she was innocent? I would be relieved, but I doubted I could ever forgive myself.


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