Chapter 35

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The continuous ringing of the alarm jolted me awake. I stood up, leaning on the bedside for support.

"Here's your tea, Niks," Anusha said, holding a tray in her hand.

"Any message or call from Virat?" This had become a habit of mine. It was the first question I asked her every morning, and the reply was always the same. It had only been a week, and I was already missing him.

"The doctor will be coming for your regular check-up. So, after having tea, just freshen up," she said, changing the topic.

"Anu, will he ever come back to me?" I asked, hope glittering in my eyes.

"Niks, you have to take your medicine in an hour. I'm keeping it here," she said, avoiding my question and pretending to search for something in the box.

"Why are you ignoring my questions, Anusha?" I snatched the box from her hand, making her look at me.

"Because you're asking baseless questions! It's been more than a week, and that guy hasn't even tried to talk to you! I hate him, Niks, for what he did to you. And apart from all this, you're carrying his child!" She burst out in anger.

"I know what he did broke me deeply, but I love him! I miss him every second of my life. And it's my child too, not just his. Carrying this child reminds me of him, our memories." I couldn't control my tears.

"I understand, Niks, but do you even know the headlines of the fashion column? You haven't stepped outside in just a week, and the media is going mad, wondering why you're canceling everything. I don't know how you're going to stay here for nine months!" She handed me the newspapers.

I looked at her with fear in my eyes, opening the fashion page. The front-page headlines were enough to ruin my morning.

"Fashion diva Nikita Sinha rejects the most awaited Hollywood project!"

"Model of the year cancels all brand shoots, leaving everyone in shock!"

"Looks like the fashion icon has escaped somewhere!"

I knew it. This was bound to happen. These were the consequences of being in an industry where people scrutinize your every move.

I threw the newspapers in the air and buried my face in the pillow, screaming out my frustration.

"I can't shut their mouths anyhow! It's better not to look at all this, or it will start bothering me," I said, looking up at her.

"How long will you ignore this, Niks? The media will come outside your house next. What will you do then? This is all because of Virat!" She looked at me with those deadly expressions.

"I'm out of thoughts, and I really don't care about this. For now, the important thing for me is to find the actual reason behind all this," I said, narrowing my eyebrows.

I was constantly thinking about what made Virat doubt me. I knew someone had taken advantage of his anger.

"Fine, let's recall that day," she said, suddenly turning into a detective.

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