Chapter 39

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Dear Virat,

By the time you read this, I will have gone far away from you, taking our years of memories with me. Staying here only brings back memories of you and our times in this house. I can't bear it anymore. I can't live each day remembering how you used to cook in my kitchen, almost setting everything on fire. Now, I can't stand to see the kitchen so clean. How you always left a wet towel on the bed, no matter how many times I scolded you for it—now I crave those moments when I could scold you and see your cute, sheepish grin in return. How you used to gaze at me for hours without any reason—now I yearn for your eyes on me.

When you love someone, you learn to cherish even the little things they do. I remember how you liked your coffee without sugar. At first, I couldn't stand the thought of it, but now I can't have my coffee any other way. It's the same with your habits—what once annoyed me, I now miss dearly, Virat. I miss your silly, childish antics.

I lie awake at night, dark thoughts filling my mind, wondering if you'll never return, if fate has decided we must part ways. I try to convince myself that I'll cope, but deep down, I know I'll only be in pain. I try to appear strong, to show you I'm okay, but inside, it's something I dread each day.

It still breaks me to remember the day when your anger overshadowed your love. I won't justify myself, Virat; you'll realize it, I know. I just hope it won't be too late. The longer you take, the harder it gets for me. It's terrifying how you left without a second thought, and yet we must carry on living because the world doesn't stop for any of us. Our bed still carries your scent long after you've gone. I fold our sheets, holding onto your memories, just so I can breathe you in again. Trust me, all I need is to escape from these memories, yet all I want is to live in them forever. My life has been a daily battle since you left.

Something significant happened that led me to make the decision to leave. I won't tell you until you realize what you've done. I don't know when or how you'll come to understand, but I know our love isn't so fragile that it can be shattered by a misunderstanding alone.

It hurts me as much as it hurts you. I'm sorry, but it's hard for me too. I'm slowly falling apart as I try to cope, because losing you means losing hope.

I love you, Virat.

Forever yours,

I folded the letter gently, a tear staining the paper. Knowing it's the last letter I'll write before leaving has already drained me, but I must stay strong for our child. Leaving everything to fate, I wiped away my tears and stepped outside. Placing the letter in the mailbox, I hoped that one day, perhaps, Virat would come searching for me, only to find me gone. When that time comes, I want him to read these words and know that I've always loved him. Returning inside, I began packing my bags; today marks my last day here in India.


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