Chapter 28

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For the first time, it wasn't just sex. I made love to the woman who gave my life meaning. It wasn't merely about pleasure; it was precious and meaningful. The way I feel for her, every touch, every glance, ignites an insatiable desire within me, yet I could never get enough. Falling for her wasn't falling at all; it was like walking into a house and suddenly realizing I was home.

I wish I could explain her twinkling eyes, how her voice gives me butterflies every time, how her smile makes my heart skip a beat, and how every moment with her makes me feel complete.

We were wrapped in the duvet after an amazing night. Her head rested on my chest, and all I could do was admire her beauty. The way her hair fell perfectly across her face made it impossible for me to look away. I could watch her sleep like this for hours.

My sleep was broken by the sound of her phone buzzing with a message. I carefully pulled myself up without disturbing her and saw it was a message from an unknown number. The message felt strange.

"Don't worry, you'll get it! Have faith in me and in yourself!"

I furrowed my brows, puzzled by the message. Who could that be? What did it mean?

I wanted to ask her, but she was sleeping, and this wasn't the right time. I placed the phone back and gently slid her hair behind her ears, unable to resist kissing her forehead. The soft kiss woke her, and she opened her eyes, giving me that million-dollar smile.

"Morning, baby," I whispered, pecking her lips.

"Morning, Vee," she yawned, snuggling closer as I wrapped my arms around her.

She looked up at me and blushed a little, making my heart flutter.

"Are you feeling okay?" I asked, concerned.

"My legs, Vee. I can't feel them. Soreness is all I feel," she pouted.

"Sorry, baby. I was a little rough. A warm bath will make you feel better," I reassured her, caressing her cheeks.

"After all, we had five rounds, and you were wild" I teased, winking at her and making her blush.

"I think I should take a bath now," she said, trying to change the subject.

"What's the rush, Niku? Tell me what you liked the most my love" I chuckled, teasing her again.

" I am hungry. I don't want to talk about it," she blushed, biting her tongue.

She always felt shy talking about it, but I loved teasing her. Her excuses to get out of the conversation were adorable.

"Alright, go take a bath, and then we'll leave," I smiled at her.

She was about to get up from the bed but stopped, realizing she was all naked. She looked at me, biting her lower lip, as I smirked at her.

"What?" I asked, smirking.

"Turn your face first," she insisted.

"Why?" I chuckled.

"Because I am naked! I don't want you to see me like this," she pouted.

Oh, my heart!

I laughed inside. We just had our night together, and now she was acting like nothing happened. Last night, she had forgotten all her shyness, and now she was worried about me seeing her naked?

Gosh, what a girl I have! Still, I love her so much.

"Baby, I saw all of you last night. What's to hide now?" I laughed.

"Whatever! Just turn your face," she said with the cutest face possible.

That's what I love about her. The previous night, she was all wild and bold, and now in the morning, she was back to her shy and innocent self.

I turned my face away, chuckling at her innocence, and she headed to take a bath. Within minutes, I missed her presence and fragrance.

"Baby, can we shower together?" I pouted, placing my ear against the door from outside.

"No, Vee!" she replied firmly from inside.

"Please, baby!" I exaggerated the word, pleading.

"Unh! Don't do this, Virat! You know I can't say no to that puppy voice," she melted.

"Then say yes. What's the problem? We don't even know when we will get time like this again," I said, frowning a little, emotionally blackmailing her.

"Ugh! Fine, no more drama. But just five minutes, and you'll be out," she said, opening the door slightly.

I didn't reply but immediately slipped inside, pulling her closer and leaning in for a kiss. She blushed but responded quickly, knowing I wouldn't let her go. The water from the shower dripped over our bodies, giving tingling sensations. I kissed her again, showing her how much she meant to me.

As much as I wanted to stay with her for hours, my stubborn baby didn't let me stay for more than 15 minutes.

I changed back into my t-shirt and trousers. She also came out wearing the same dress from last night, and I couldn't stop ogling at her.

"Let's go, Virat! And thank you for this amazing date," she said, coming closer to fix my hair with her delicate hands.

"I wish we could stay here longer," I hugged her tightly.

"Me too," she pouted, and I kissed her pout.

And with that, our date came to an end as we sat in the car, heading back to the city.


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