Chapter 13

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I don't know how I'm going to tell her everything. How I'll explain that I did it because my ex provoked me to the core. I think she'll understand me.


Life's so unfair to me. Here I was, thinking about getting to know her more, and now she'll probably kill me.

With these thoughts swirling in my mind, I drove to Niku's home. Yeah, I nicknamed her Niku. When and how, even I don't know, but it just came out of my mouth. All the way there, I kept imagining her angry face in front of me. Damn, how am I going to calm her down? The next series is starting soon, and here I am, dealing with this shit.

I hate you, Aisha! You have no idea!

That fucking girl turned my life upside down in a day!

I finally reached her home and stood outside the door. My hands were trembling as I prepared to knock, knowing how pissed off she would be at me.

I gathered my courage, took a deep breath, and knocked on the door. In less than a minute, she stood in front of me. I know it's not the right time to say this, but she looked freaking hot even with that pissed-off face. She wore a loose, oversized t-shirt that ended above her knees.

Once again, I was bowled over by her beauty!

Focus, Virat!

She didn't say a single word to me and instead went inside. I followed her like a lost puppy. She sat on the couch, her head lowered, and my heart ached to see that.

I was dying to hear something from her. My heart craved to hear her voice.

I know it's been a very short time since I met her, but I already feel an unusual connection with her.

Come on, scold me! But please don't play this silence game!

She raised her head, and when her eyes met mine, I forgot what my own name sounded like. I sat beside her, unable to bear her silent treatment any longer.

"Are you okay?" For the first time, I found it difficult to initiate a conversation.

"I wish I could say that!" Finally, at least she spoke.

"Virat, see this!" She handed me the newspapers with us on the very front page.

Fine, I had already seen this!

Then she showed me her phone, filled with messages from her manager, assistants, and many more. The biggest drama was the media, which spread it all over the internet as if there was nothing more interesting in the world except this relationship. We were trending on every social site.

I facepalmed, knowing this was a really big deal!

The cherry on top was the recording of me saying, "Nikita Sinha is my girlfriend," which was all over the internet, breaking every record.

This is going to be really tough!

"Why? Why, Virat?" She asked, looking into my eyes.

"Look, I'm sorry! I know this is a blunder, but I have my reasons, and I hope you'll understand," I said, meeting her gaze.

"You better have the best reason, Kohli!" She snapped, giving me death glares.

The silence was over, and now, after hearing why I did this, she might kick my ass!

"Fine! So last night at the party, I met Aisha. She's one of my exes who provoked the hell out of me. If I hadn't taken any name, she wouldn't have left any chance to bring me down and irritate me!" I started, explaining every single thing that happened last night and how she accidentally became my girlfriend.

Her jaw dropped, her eyes widened, and anger clearly showed on her face.

And you're gone, Virat!

"I can't believe it! Virat Kohli! This! This is your fucking valid explanation?" As expected, she shouted at me!

"Calm down! I don't know how it all happened, but I couldn't let myself down in front of her!" I said, making the cutest face possible, but it didn't work at all.

"I've never met a 28-year-old guy with the mind of a 5-year-old! You are insane, Kohli! Just because you couldn't let yourself down in front of your idiot ex, and because the size of your ego is bigger than your height, you took my name! Wow, that's a pretty valid reason!" She freaked out and started shouting.

Calm down, Virat! Just calm down!

"Out of more than a thousand people there, you took my name? Not even realizing what the consequences would be? Are you blind?" She kept yelling at me.

"Enough! Okay! Just enough! I know I did the most wrong thing, and it's all my fault, but you can't yell at me like this. Nobody yells at me! It's not only you going through this! I am also in every headline!" I yelled back.

That's it, I couldn't hold it in anymore. Nobody has ever shouted at me like this. You can't raise your voice to Virat Kohli.

"Firstly, it's totally your mistake, and now you're shouting at me? What were you expecting me to say? 'Aww, it's okay, it just happened, not your fault?'" She said sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

"Hey! Hey! Fine, look, I'm sorry, listen, please! It's just my bad temper! I know it's all my fault. Maybe my ego made me do it, but we have to do something about it," I said, holding her hands, trying to calm her down.

"We? There's no 'we' in this! You did it! Now clear all this on your own! Call those journalists and tell them it's nothing like that!" She said, making my eyes widen.

"What? No! We can't do this! Last night, I told everybody you're my girlfriend, and now I have to say it was all a joke? I have no reason to refuse this now. I'll come out as a fool in front of everyone," I said strongly, because that can't happen now.

"What do you want, Virat?" She sighed, looking at me knowing i won't back out now.


"Can we just keep it like this until, well, until we figure something out?" I said, placing my hand on hers.

Before she could answer, there was a knock on the door.

Ugh! Now who's that?

Will anyone ever let me talk to her in peace?

Fast updates coz of the people who are forcing me every now and then to do this!😂❤
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