Chapter 17

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"C'mon, babes, just open the door!" I rang the bell once more, but there was no sign of her. It was 6:30 in the morning, and I stood outside her house, reminding her of our plan for net sessions. Despite multiple calls, she didn't answer, probably still asleep. Fortunately, she had given me a spare key for emergencies, and it seemed like today was one.

Unlocking the door, I entered her spacious apartment. It was challenging to guess which room she might be in. Spotting her bags and belongings outside one room, I figured she must be there.

Should I enter her room? The curiosity about how she looked while asleep was tempting.

Of course, I should. After all, I'm her boyfriend.

Stepping into her room, I was greeted by an incredibly adorable sight. She lay wrapped in a blanket, resembling a child. Strands of hair covered part of her face, while the rest cascaded behind her. The way she curled up in slumber made me want to forget about the net session and join her in bed.

I could have watched her sleep for hours, marveling at her beauty even in this state.

How could she look so gorgeous even while sleeping? How could I not fall deeper in love with her?

"Niku!" I knelt beside her bed, whispering her name while gently shaking her shoulders.

The fragrance of her cologne hit me, intoxicating yet uniquely comforting.

She stirred, squinting her eyes slightly but didn't wake up, shifting to her side, now inches away from me.

Resisting the urge to kiss her rosy cheeks was challenging. Her soft smile only added to her allure, making it hard to look away.

You're making it difficult for me, baby. I have countless ideas to wake you up, but right now, none seem appropriate.

Brushing her hair aside, I admired her entire face, noticing even the smallest details, like her long eyelashes.

I'm going crazy, noticing the length of her eyelashes?

Virat Kohli, you're in trouble.

"Nikuuu! Wake up, baby!" I shook her a bit more firmly, relieved when she finally opened her eyes, albeit with a startled expression.


Opening my eyes, I found Virat kneeling close, so close that my heart skipped a beat.

"Whoa! What are you doing in my room? You scared me!" I rubbed my eyes and quickly got out of bed.

"Well, good morning, sleepyhead! You've got 15 minutes. Hurry up, or the coach will be after me!" Virat pointed at me with mock seriousness.

I cursed silently. I had set six alarms, none of which managed to wake me.

"Oh, shoot! I'm so sorry, Virat! I don't compromise on sleep on off days! I'll be ready, just wait here!" I dashed to get ready, laying out clothes on the bed before rushing into the shower.

After a quick shower, I realized I had forgotten my clothes on the bed in my haste.

"Virat? Are you still outside?" I called out from behind the door.

"Yes, baby. Should I come in?" He teased.

"Um, my clothes, Virat! I left them on the bed!" I replied, imagining his smirk.

"Oh, yes, I can see them. Come out and take them!" He laughed, making me blush.

"Viraaat! Give me my clothes, or get out so I can take them!" I tried to sound firm.

"Fine! Here you go!" He handed me the clothes through the door.

Quickly dressing up, I emerged, applying minimal makeup.

"Let's go now!" I grabbed my bag, ready to head out.

"I need to focus on my sessions, and you're not helping by wearing that outfit!" Virat remarked as we got into his car. I looked out the window, trying to hide my blush.

He's making it hard not to fall for him.

After a drive, we reached the stadium. The team was already practicing, some on the nets and others playing football.

"We'll practice now. You go sit with the girls. Feel comfortable and stay away from those journalists, okay? Let me know if anyone bothers you!" Virat's concern was evident as he spoke, making me smile.

Why do you care so much, Virat?

I joined the girls, and we quickly bonded, chatting away like old friends.

"So, tell us about your first date with Virat and your first kiss! Have you guys done it yet?" Ritika's excitement was palpable, leaving me blushing and shy.

First kiss? First date? I wish I could have those moments with Virat, but reality often differed.

"Gosh, you girls!" I blushed, trying to evade their questions.

"Ooh, please, Niki, you have to tell us! If not now, then on the tour!" Hazel teased, mentioning a tour that caught me off guard.

"Tour?" I asked, puzzled.

"Yes! Virat didn't tell you? We're leaving with the boys for their next series tonight!" Their revelation left me stunned, realizing Virat's surprise once again.

Virat, why do you never tell me anything before such surprises?

Spotting Virat heading back from the field, I excused myself from the girls, rushing behind him.

Finding him in the dressing room, I forgot my annoyance. Seeing him in just his boxers and a towel around his neck made it hard to breathe. His athletic figure was captivating.

"Virat," I called out, confused and mesmerized as he approached.

Gosh, this is going to be challenging!

Little cliffhanger!😂
Big chapter for all my lovely readers

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