Chapter 29

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I found it hard to move past the precious moments spent with him. It was the best date I'd ever had, revealing a different, yet adorable side of Virat. Our relationship deepened with each passing day.

God forbid, but if I were to die in my sleep, I would pass peacefully, knowing the last thing I felt was his love for me.

We returned to my place after the date. While I was in the kitchen preparing something to eat, Virat was outside watching TV, likely cricket or football. He wouldn't even let me change the channel in my own home.

I picked up my phone, realizing I hadn't checked it since I was with him. He makes me forget about everything.

I saw an important message.

"Don't worry, you'll get it. Just have faith in me and yourself."

I sighed in relief seeing that message from Vicky, an old friend and photographer. I had an important shoot with him in a month that could lead to a significant international project. This opportunity could propel my career to new heights. I hadn't told Virat yet, wanting to surprise him after my selection.

I returned from the kitchen with a tray and sat beside Virat, who was engrossed in watching highlights.

"Virat! Give me the remote! I want to watch something less boring!" I rolled my eyes.

"Babe! Did you just say boring? Cricket is boring for you? Your boyfriend is the captain of the Indian team, and you're least interested in watching it! Wow!" He chuckled sarcastically.

"Vee, you know I watch it only for you! And what's the point of watching highlights? You scored a century; it's not going to turn into a double ton! Duh!" I replied, leaning back to eat my food.

"Who am I even arguing with? Hands up, baby! I can't win over this childish thing of yours!" He laughed, raising his hands in defeat and giving me the remote.

I fist-pumped in the air, making him laugh.

A laugh to die for.

He snuggled closer, wrapping his arms around me and resting his head on my shoulder.

"Acha baby, what's your schedule? I'll be leaving for home tomorrow," he said, tracing his fingers on my lap.

"Umm... I have two more days off," I pouted.

"So we can go together. Mom wanted to meet you since last time. It'll be great," he said excitedly.

"Vee, I don't know. Meeting your mom... I'm scared she might not like me," I confessed.

"Are you crazy? She already loves you because I've told her so much! She's the one curious to meet you. How can she not like the girl her son loves? Get those silly thoughts out of your mind. You're coming with me, and that's it," he assured me.

"You make everything so easy. I love you," I said, kissing his lips.

The next day...


"Chill, babe! Breathe! Why are you so nervous?" I chuckled as we flew to Delhi.

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