Chapter 11

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The sun's rays fell on my face through the curtains, signaling the start of a new day. Damn! Last night was exhausting. I didn't even remember how I got home. Maybe I drank a little too much. I lay in bed, my eyes heavy and struggling to open. It felt like I hadn't gotten enough sleep.

I stretched my arms across the bed and yawned before getting up. My body still felt tired. Thank God I have a week's rest before the next shoot starts.

After taking a bath and freshening up, I headed to the kitchen to prepare something for myself. Black coffee and sandwiches sounded perfect.

I settled on the couch with my meal, searching for my phone. I hadn't checked my emails or the event's pictures since last night. I picked up my phone, took a sip of coffee, and relaxed.

"Holy shit!" I spit out my coffee.

My phone was flooded with hundreds of messages, missed calls, and my name all over the internet headlines. They all read:

"Virat Kohli Opens Up About His Relationship with Nikita Sinha."

"The Heartthrob Cricketer in Love with the B-town Model."

"Want Proof of How the Captain Admitted Openly About His Relationship?

Click the Link Below."

"Skipper Attends His Lady Love's Event."

"Pictures of the Cutest Couple Trending That Will Make You Go Awestruck."

And probably hundreds more like these.

I had to pinch myself to realize it was all real.

Couple? Me and Virat? What the fuck is this?

I couldn't comprehend what I was seeing. Is he mad or out of his mind? Anger was boiling inside me, and I didn't even know how, when, or why all this happened. Millions of questions were eating at my brain.

Virat's girlfriend? How could he say that, and that too openly in front of everyone? I don't understand this guy! Last night, he was so nice, talking to me, and I was curious about getting to know him more, and now, all of a sudden, I'm his girlfriend. Wow, and I find out from the internet!

I was really pissed off! The media is going to screw me over now! Well, they already started doing that!

I checked my phone again and saw hundreds of fan pages on Instagram in just one night. Damn!


And it continued till God knows how many.

It seemed like there was nothing more interesting in the world than our so-called relationship.

Vini? Virnik? Nikvi? Really? Now people are fighting over our shipping name! Gawddd!!

My phone was burdened with thousands of notifications. I immediately ran into my room and grabbed the newspaper. As expected, the front-page headline in both the fashion and sports sections was:

"Indian Skipper in Love with the B-town Babe!"

"Cricketer Falls for Fashion Diva!"

Virat Kohli! You're so dead!

I walked to the kitchen and drank a glass of water because it was really difficult for me to digest everything I saw. It felt like he had turned my whole life upside down in just one night.

My phone buzzed again—100 messages from Panda and some 75 missed calls! Fuck!

How can I explain this to anyone else when I don't even know the reason behind all this? I have to talk to Virat first, then tell Panda because I know he must be as shocked as I am right now.

Kohli, you better be ready for this!

Annnnd boom!😂💥
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