Chapter 10

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That's it! I almost lost it!

Fuck! Self-control!

Firstly, when she walked down the ramp, I just couldn't take my eyes off her. She looked drop-dead gorgeous. The way she walked put everyone else to shame. No offense to the other models, but she was something else, or maybe it was just me who felt that way. I didn't take my eyes off her until she disappeared from my sight.

Secondly, I was waiting for her outside the room for the party while Pandya had already gone ahead. He was definitely hitting on other models. Though I loved Pandya for leaving me alone with her.

When she peeped through the door like a little kid, all I wanted to do was pull her red cheeks.

"I need help!" she said with such cuteness that I could never deny her, no matter what she asked for.

As soon as she dragged me inside, my mind filled with dirty thoughts. I felt weak in my knees. Her touch was electrifying!

When she told me she was struggling with the zipper and wanted my help, I honestly laughed inside. Now someone needed me badly. Time to play Virat's game.

"Please, Virat, will you do it?" she said, melting me away in a second.

Stop being this cute; I'll do whatever you want! Damn!

I honestly didn't want to close my eyes, but the way she pleaded with those innocent eyes, I couldn't deny her. Soon, my hands touched her cold body, and I could feel her shivering. She was cold, and when my hands touched her waist, she became warm. I wanted to hold her like that forever. I inhaled her scent, and I had to control myself before lust overcame me. She felt different, not like any of my exes. She made me want more of her.

My hands roamed around her perfect curves, slowly moving the zipper upwards, feeling her magical body. It was heaven. Her expressions were worth watching when I told her that next time I wouldn't be able to control myself. I was right! Better to say it!

The next minute, we were at the after-event party with loud music pounding in our ears. Within seconds, she vanished from my sight like magic, and I already missed her smiling face. I craved that smile.

I saw she was busy as the media surrounded her with questions, and I was just admiring her. It's only been a short time since we met, but something that's never happened to me is happening now. She's definitely not one of those flings of mine.

Pandya and I were at the bar counter, drinking beer, when I heard someone calling my name.

"Heyya!! Veeku!" she called out, and I squeezed my eyes shut.

Veeku! Only one girl called me that, and I wished it wasn't her.

"Please say it's not her! Please say it's not her!" I asked Pandya, who was in front of me.

"I'm sorry, bro, but that's her!" He batted his eyelashes, and I facepalmed myself.

Why does this always happen to me?

Here I am, The Virat Kohli, finding it difficult to talk to a girl, and the next moment, I'm seeing my ex at the party.

"Hey! Aisha! What a surprise!" I fake smiled.

So yes, she was Aisha! One of my exes, and she was such a bitch. She always used to cling to me. I'm not denying it, but she was just one of those flings. We had sex, and that was it. It was over! But she kept blackmailing me, threatening to raise fake issues about me in the media. This chapter was closed a long time ago, and since then, I never saw her face again.

But now? Why?

"How are you, Veeku! Long time, huh? By the way, tell me, do you still miss me?" she said, clinging to me, and I stepped back a little.

Miss you? My foot!

"I am so much better without you!" I shot back, crossing my arms.

"Me too! I'm here because I want to introduce you to my boyfriend, one of the top businessmen in the country!" she said proudly, only to piss me off.

"As if I care? Good for you!" I huffed.

"See, there he is!" She pointed, and her guy was at the corner. As she pointed to him, he blew her a kiss.

"Whatever, I don't care, Aisha! Now, will you please let me go?" I rolled my eyes.

"What about you, Virat? Have you got anyone, or are you still stuck in memories of me? Oh, you still miss me and haven't found anyone?" she said, only to irritate me.

Ughhhh!!! For the first time, I needed a girlfriend!

Memories of her? Nice joke!

I've been single for a long time because I haven't found anyone who suits me, and I'm bored of those flings now. She'll screw me up if I admit I haven't found anyone.

"I wish you could say that! But I have found someone. And she's the best I could ever have!" I said proudly.

"Oh! Tell me, who is she?" she shot back.


"You aren't important enough for me to tell you!" I tried so hard to defend myself.

"Don't lie! I know you haven't found anyone! Admit it, you miss me!" she pouted, and now anger was fuming in my veins.

Why the hell can't she just shut her mouth?

"Just shut up! There she is! My girl! Nikita Sinha! She's my girlfriend! Happy now?" She was all I could think of, and I couldn't think of any other name.

What the hell did I just blabber?

I'm so dead now!

"What? Nikita Sinha is your girlfriend? The media hasn't got any news of you two?" Again, this bitch is tough!

"We wanted to keep it a secret. It's been a few months since we got together. Any problem with that?" I said.

"No! So, come on, I want to meet her!" she fired back.

Meet her? So that she can kill me and probably never talk to me?

Well, congrats, Virat, that's how you started your not-so-happy love story!

"Not now! Maybe later! Gotta go!" I said quickly.

"Fine! And I think I forgot to tell you one thing: you know all the media here is owned by my boyfriend's company, so I think it's time to show the world about your girlfriend! It's all recorded now, how you admitted your relationship," she smiled wickedly and left, making my jaw drop.

What? She can't do this!

No, man! Am I dreaming?

Virat, just go to some other planet right now; you'll be dead here!

Not that I regret calling her my girlfriend, but I never imagined this would happen like this.

Aisha! You bitch! I hate you!

So now I have a girlfriend who doesn't have the slightest idea about this.

How worse can this get?

A lot worse when you are Virat Kohli and she is Nikita Sinha!

Oh! My Virat!😂
That's where your story title justifies😏 *smirks*
How was the chapter?
What you think how will Nikita react to this?😂
*Ye to trailer tha picture abhi baaki hai mere dosto*😂😏

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