Chapter 25

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"Yes, I'll be there on time. I'll check the mail!" I cut the call as I was talking to my manager.

It's been just an hour since we got back to Mumbai, and I'm already bombarded with my shoot schedules. I was on my laptop, checking my schedule starting from tomorrow. Gosh, I don't have a minute's time for the next two weeks—there's so much to be done. Meanwhile, my guy was sleeping peacefully beside me.

I looked at him. He was lying there like a cute little kid, spreading his arms all over the bed. I know he was very tired, and so was I, but I don't have time to sleep. I need to confirm these shoots by today.

"Morning, baby!" he said in his sleepy voice, sitting up on the bed and grabbing me from behind, burying his head in my neck.

"Vee, it's afternoon!" I said, concentrating back on my laptop.

"You didn't take a nap?" He pouted and pulled me closer, so I ended up on his lap.

"Vee, it's been a month since I was with you, and now I have a huge workload. I can't take a nap. Look at these schedules—I have to go through them, confirm my outfits, and so many other things are pending! Ugh!" I ruffled my hair in frustration.

"Babe, calm down. You need rest right now. Don't worry; everything will be done in time. Just close this and sleep. Your eyes are heavy; they need rest." He snatched the laptop from me and made me lie down.

"But, Vee..." That was all I could say before he started running his fingers through my hair, making me fall asleep within seconds.

After an hour

I yawned, stretching my arms all over the bed. I turned around and saw that Virat wasn't there. I stood up, tied my hair in a messy bun, and went outside.

"Virat!" I called out, but he wasn't in the other room either.

I moved towards the lobby and saw the most unexpected thing.

Virat Kohli was in the kitchen, wearing an apron, and the kitchen looked no less than a disaster.

I immediately ran towards the kitchen, trying to control my laughter as the scene in front of me was hilarious.

"Veee!" I burst out laughing, seeing him covered in flour.

"Oh, morning, baby!" He pouted.

"Vee, please tell me, what's this? You ruined my kitchen, baby! And look at you! What were you even trying to make?" I laughed harder.

"Here I am, trying to make something for you, and you find it funny, babe? Let me show you what's funny!" He pulled me closer, and before I could do anything, he rubbed his flour-covered cheeks against mine, and now we both looked like clowns.

"Vee! I hate you for this! Sheesh, man! By the way, did you make anything or just spoil the whole area?" I chuckled, sitting on the kitchen counter.

"Pancakes!" He grinned.

"Burnt pancakes," I corrected, and he frowned.

"I'm sorry. I was just trying. I've never done this before!" He said, looking down.

"Aww, my love! I was kidding! I'm going to eat them, no matter how they turned out. I love you!" I pecked his lips.

"Are you kidding me? No way you're eating this. I know I made a disaster. I was just testing you, and congrats, you passed!" He wrapped his arms around my waist, looking into my eyes.

"If you're done with your test, we should clean all this up right now. Vee, I have other work too. Don't put extra work on me now!" I said as we started cleaning the mess.

"Oh, I have a week's off, and I'm heading to Delhi tomorrow to meet Mom. She wants to see you too, and I would love for you to come with me!" He said, sitting on the counter.

"Virat, you know I have a hectic schedule starting tomorrow. I also want to come, but I can't. I have pending shoots!" I said, looking at him, then back to mopping.

"But I'll miss you!" He bit his lower lip.

"I'll miss you too, Vee, but it's just a week. Come on now, don't do this, or I won't be able to let you go!" I pouted.

"You don't want me to go?" He asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Of course not! But you should go and meet your family, Vee," I smiled.

"I love you, Niku!" He batted his eyelashes.

"I love you too. But hey, why aren't you helping me clean? You're just sitting there watching the show," I stood up, tilting my body against the fridge.

"Because I love to see you like this. I don't know, but you look damn cute!" He jumped down from the counter and came towards me.

"You're an idiot!" I chuckled.

"Your idiot!" And with that, he kissed me once again.

Sorry it wasn't such long or interesting chapter but i hope you'll like it further.

Updating on this very special day.

Happy Birthday Lifeline!❤🌎

I would also like to tell you all that i have already thought about my next book🙊🙈. It's totally a different plot. After completing this i'll work on that.

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