Chapter 40

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"Virat!! Dhyan kaha hai!" Coach tapped on my shoulder, snapping me out of my trance as I missed yet another ball, standing there like an amateur.

"Unh! Sorry coach! One more time," I shook my head and tried to refocus.

"I think something is bothering you. You're not focusing, Virat! The match is tomorrow! Take some time for yourself. I'll handle the rest of the boys," he said, leaving without giving me a chance to respond.

It had been exactly two days since Harry assured me that Nikita wasn't at fault for what happened between us, and then he vanished, promising to prove it at any cost.

I was stunned to see the kind of trust Harry had in her. A twinge of jealousy and possessiveness hit me. Why hadn't I trusted her? Was it my fault for not listening to her even once? What if Harry was wrong, and my suspicions were justified?

A myriad of thoughts consumed my mind, shattering my concentration, evident in my lackluster performance during net sessions where I couldn't connect with a single ball.

For two days, I incessantly called Harry, but there was no response. He didn't pick up my calls or reply to my messages, increasing my curiosity and anxiety about his whereabouts. It was challenging to make excuses to the coach, who questioned why Harry hadn't attended practice for two days.

The series was starting tomorrow, and here I was, lost in my own thoughts. My heart pounded loudly with every passing second, wondering where Harry could be. Seeing that I couldn't focus, the coach asked me to leave early and rest. I couldn't afford to let these thoughts ruin my performance.

Soon, I returned to the hotel and headed straight to my room. Sitting on the chair, I paced back and forth, nervously biting my nails, consumed by the ticking clock. Evening had arrived, and Hardik had confidently promised to prove Niku's innocence before the match — yet there was still no sign of him. My curiosity escalated every second.

As I stood up to pace again, I heard a loud bang.

Before I could reach the door, a forceful push and bam!

There stood Harry and Ro, both breathing heavily, exchanging glances.

I looked at them nervously, feeling as though they had conquered the world.

"I told you!" Hardik pumped his fist in the air, gritting his teeth, making me swallow hard.

I was speechless. They both sat on the bed, glaring at me, saying nothing.

"What?" I managed to utter, trembling.

"I won't say anything, Virat! Just watch this!" Hardik spoke with disappointment, handing me a USB drive.

My hands shook as I took it, wondering what it contained. I retrieved my laptop and inserted the drive; there was only one file.

I glanced at both of them again before clicking play.

My eyes widened as I watched footage of Nikita's shoot on the day of our argument. I didn't want to see it. I couldn't bear to see her with someone else, especially in front of me. As the clip played on, I clenched my teeth, expecting to see Nikita and the photographer engaging in something inappropriate. But to my surprise, it wasn't like that at all.

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