Chapter 30

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Two Months Later...

"Can't you fucking see the ball?" I yelled at one of the players during our practice session. My harshness wasn't about the game but about Niku. Her absence was seeping into my performance, no matter how hard I tried to keep her out of my mind. She was like a ghost haunting every thought.

For two months, our lives had pulled us in different directions, engulfed in our demanding schedules. But her complete disregard for me hurt the most. We barely communicated, and when we did, her responses felt like formalities. Every call went unanswered, and every message was brushed off. Our relationship was unraveling. I was on tour, yet I carved out time for her. But it seemed she was lost in another world. Hardik, my usual confidant, was on a break, leaving me alone with my spiraling thoughts.

I missed her—her touch, her smile. But her behavior fanned a simmering anger within me. Just one more match, I thought, then I'd confront her.

"That's all for today! Rest up for tomorrow," Coach called out. We headed back to the hotel, and I found myself alone in my room, staring at my phone. The urge to call her was irresistible, even though I dreaded the usual disappointment.

I dialed her number. It rang endlessly. No answer. Frustration churned in my gut as I dialed again. This time, someone picked up.

"Hello!" A man's voice answered. Unfamiliar and yet irritatingly familiar.

"Where's Niku...I mean, Nikita?" I demanded, trying to keep my voice steady.

"Sorry, sir, she's busy with the photographer for an important shoot!" His tone was almost mocking.

"Just give her the phone. Tell her Virat is calling," I insisted, irritation creeping into my voice.

"She can't talk. They're having some private time, you know. Big project and all," he chuckled.

His words sent a wave of rage through me. How could Niku's phone end up with another man? And his insinuations? I clenched my fists, trying to keep my cool.

"Give her the phone. Now," I demanded.

"Okay, listen, I'll put it on speaker. Hear for yourself," he laughed, raising my blood pressure.

"Come closer, Niks!" another man's voice came through, followed by Niku's familiar laughter. My heart sank.

"Am I good enough?" she asked, her voice filled with a flirtatious tone that shattered my trust.

"You're perfect. Now I see what Virat saw in you!" the man replied.

My legs gave out. How could she? My girlfriend, my Niku...

"Do you think I'll get the project?" she asked, almost pleading.

"Of course, Niks! After all, I got what I wanted!" he laughed.

I was numb. Every word felt like a dagger to my heart.

"I haven't told Virat yet. He's pissed off at me for not talking properly," she continued nonchalantly.

"Don't worry, I'm here," he assured her.

I couldn't listen anymore. I smashed my fist into the wall, feeling the sting of pain, but it was nothing compared to the agony in my chest. I threw my phone, watching it shatter, wishing it could erase the betrayal I'd just heard.

For months, her behavior had been a puzzle, each piece now falling into place. The hidden messages, the secret calls, her evasive answers—they all made sense now. Her words echoed in my mind, "I haven't told Virat about it." She had been deceiving me all along.

Aryan's words from that party came back to haunt me: "She'll betray you someday." I had defended her, trusted her blindly, but now I saw how foolish I'd been. She chose her career over our love, and I was left broken, a shadow of the man I used to be.

Love doesn't hurt; people do. They break you in ways you never thought possible. One moment, they make you feel like the center of their universe; the next, you're nothing.

Niku, why? I loved you more than myself. You were my world, and now you've destroyed it. The memories of our time together, our late-night talks, all felt like a cruel joke. The conversation I overheard kept replaying in my mind, a torment I couldn't escape.

This was the worst day of my life. I tried to hold back the tears, biting my lip until it bled, but the pain wouldn't stop. Her face haunted me, not with love but with betrayal.

I buried my face in the pillow, trying to escape the reality. I had a match tomorrow, and I needed to focus, but she had shattered me. Virat Kohli, the man who never let emotions control him, was now at the mercy of his broken heart.

Miss Nikita Sinha, this is the end of us!!

Don't kill me for this!🙇

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