Chapter 36

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| Writer's POV|

Weeks passed, and Virat and Nikita never contacted each other, but did they truly want this? Of course not! No one could have imagined that one misunderstanding would escalate to the point where it seemed impossible for Virat to realize he had blamed Nikita wrongly for everything. Meanwhile, Nikita wasn't living in peace either; she was carrying his child. Being the country's top model and now hiding away in her own home for the sake of her child's birth was incredibly challenging. The media left no stone unturned in uncovering the reasons behind Nikita's sudden withdrawal from every project and shoot, while she struggled to keep this news under wraps. Both of them suffered in their own ways. Virat couldn't live without her, and she couldn't imagine her life without him. However, destiny had intervened, throwing challenges in their path. It wasn't that Virat wanted this; he too agonized every day over her absence but remained steadfast in his misguided decision.

Virat found himself at a pre-match conference before heading out on the next tour.

"Are you satisfied with the team selection, especially since many experienced players are resting?" a reporter asked.

"Everyone's body needs rest, and they should take it when necessary. I'm content with my teammates. This is an opportunity for new players to showcase their skills and talent," he replied diplomatically.

"Sir, we haven't seen you with your lady luck in a long time. Any specific reason for this?" The question struck a nerve with Virat. He harbored such hatred that he didn't even want to hear her name mentioned. All he wanted was to lash out at the reporter, consequences be damned.

His eyes filled with anger, and he clenched his fists under the table. He was on the brink of losing his composure when Rohit grabbed his hand, urging him to calm down. Only Rohit understood the true reason behind Virat's behavior.

"No personal questions, please!" Rohit intervened, deftly diffusing the situation as he always did.

The press conference concluded, and as they were about to leave, Rohit stopped Virat and handed him the newspapers.

"What?" Virat asked, puzzled.

"I know you don't want to hear it, but look at these headlines. Nikita rejected that project and hasn't appeared in any shoots or events. I think something serious is going on," Rohit said, concern evident in his voice.

Virat glanced at the news, a thousand questions racing through his mind, tormenting him. He couldn't fathom why she had suddenly disappeared from everything. According to him, she had wanted that project, so why wasn't she pursuing it? Little did he know the real reason behind her absence.

"I don't know what's on her mind. Maybe it's just a publicity stunt. Besides, I need to focus on our tour, Ro! You know my temper—I don't want it affecting my game. And Hardik is joining us too; finally, I'll be able to tell him everything," Virat gritted his teeth in frustration.

"I understand, Virat. Just relax; everything will work out," Rohit reassured him, hugging him, realizing that not supporting him might mean losing his friend altogether.

Despite his hatred for her, thoughts of Nikita flooded Virat's mind, bringing back memories of their time together. He missed her every second of his life but refused to acknowledge it.

Meanwhile, Nikita's mother and brother arrived at her place. She was apprehensive about hiding her pregnancy from her mother, knowing mothers had a sixth sense. It was inevitable that her mom and brother noticed the change in her behavior as soon as they entered her home.

"Maa!" Nikita exclaimed excitedly, rushing to hug her mother.

"I missed you so much, Niki," tears welled up in her mother's eyes as she held her daughter's face after so long.

"Hey, baby sis!" Arjun, her brother, moved in to playfully punch her in the stomach.

"Careful!" She gasped, stopping him mid-motion, which confused him. Their reunions always involved playful fights, but this time was different.

"What's wrong?" He scoffed.

"We're not kids anymore, bhai! Come on, give me a hug!" She hugged him tightly, taking a deep breath and wondering how long she could keep her pregnancy a secret from them.

They met Anusha, who had been staying with Nikita to take care of her.

"How's everything going?" Arjun asked as they settled on the couch.

"Great!" She forced a smile, nervously fidgeting with her fingers.

"How's dad?" Nikita quickly changed the topic.

"He wanted to come, but he had some urgent work," her mother replied, sensing that something was bothering her daughter.

"Niki, are you hiding something?" Her mother asked, tilting her head to make eye contact.

"What? No, Maa! I'm just tired! You must be exhausted too, so go and get some rest. We'll talk peacefully tomorrow!" She quickly deflected, relieved that it was already midnight.

They agreed and retired to their rooms, and she sighed with relief, hoping to get through the night without any trouble.

"Anu, this isn't going to be easy," Nikita sighed as she entered her room.

"I told you, Niks! You're the one who decided to go through with this pregnancy," Anusha crossed her arms.

"It's not foolish, Anu! If I had aborted this child, I would have regretted it every day of my life," she said, lying on her bed and staring at the ceiling.

"And now? Don't you miss Virat?" Anusha turned to face her.

"That question doesn't even need an answer," she closed her eyes, a solitary tear escaping.

With each passing day, the situation grew more challenging. Nikita clung to hope, trusting that love wouldn't be so cruel to her. Meanwhile, Virat remained oblivious to the challenges she faced without him.

Would he ever learn about his own child?

It remained a question that plagued her every single day.


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