Chapter 14

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I didn't expect this from the Indian captain! Coming up with the most stupid reason ever.

How easily he said, "Maybe my ego made me do so." Since morning, I've been bombarded by the media. My manager is calling me every now and then, but I haven't picked up once, not knowing what to say. And here I am, dealing with this guy.

I know he must be going through the same thing. We both are at the mercy of the newsmakers, but it isn't my fault. It's his stupidity!

After listening to his story and realizing I can't do anything about this, I asked him, "What do you want, Virat?" with concern in my voice.

"Can we keep it like this until, well, until we figure something out?" he said, his dark captivating eyes searching for understanding.

Before I could answer, I heard a knock on the door.

Ughh! No one will ever let me live in peace!

"Virat, can you just open the door and see who's there?" I said to him, and without even a single thought, he stood up.

It's Panda!

Who else could I expect?

Damn! I know, Panda, you're concerned about all this, but right now, I didn't want you here.

"How? How could you do this? I've been calling you since morning, and you didn't pick up once? Not even replying to any of my messages? Niki! What's all this? My best friend and my captain are in a relationship, and I don't know? I hate you! I hate you both!" He burst out like a 2-year-old who screams when he doesn't get his favorite toy.

And that's why I didn't want him here!

"Well, you angry boy! Don't shout at me right now! Ask your captain about this!" I death-glared at Virat, who was sitting in the cutest way possible.

"She wanted to hide this! Right, baby?" Virat pouted.

"Niki? How could you do this to me?" Panda fired back at me.

"Virat! This isn't the time for your nonsense! Tell him the truth!" I smacked a pillow on his face.

Virat explained everything to Panda, how all this happened, and now I could see him all shocked, his jaw could touch the ground at any time.

"Damn! So, guys, it's a huge blunder, I admit! But it isn't even Virat's fault! It just happened accidentally. Plus, I know his ex; she's damn irritating," Panda said, making me widen my eyes.

"Woah? Now even you are on his side!" I gave him a questioning look, while Virat hugged him, sticking his tongue out at me.

"Captain ka laadla!" I showed Panda the middle finger, making them both chuckle.

"Look, you two, sort this out now! By the way, I won't mind seeing you together in real!" He winked and moved toward the kitchen, and I saw Virat blushing.

Virat Kohli is blushing!

Virat sat down on his knees, holding my hands in both of his, making my heartbeat faster.

"Look, I know this is a huge mess created by me, but if we both are together, I'm sure we can handle this! I know it's all because of me, and now I'm asking you to help me. But I promise you, Niku, I won't ever hurt you, and I will never let anyone blame you because of me. I promise!" He said, looking into my eyes with so much honesty that I melted.

"Niku?" I bit my lower lip, looking down, blushing.

He just made me blush!

"Yeah! I'll call you Niku! And I don't want anyone else to call you this!" He said with an authoritative tone, and I couldn't say anything except nodding in approval.

"So, should I consider this as your yes? Will you maintain this accidental relationship until we find another way of dealing with it?" He said, his beautiful face filled with hope.

"Fine!" I sighed, smiling a little, making him breathe a sigh of relief.

"Yes! Now, firstly, we have to make an official announcement for our fans so that no one can question you on this. I'll post on my social media account, and you have to do the same!" He said, still holding my hands.

"Okay, I will do!" I said, assuring him.

"Thank you, Niku! I knew you would understand me," He said, squeezing my hands.

"Everything sorted?" Panda came, with his hands filled with a bowl of tortilla chips and a soft drink.

"Bhukkad!" I rolled my eyes, making him grin!

"Pandya! This is just between the three of us! Don't tell anyone! Not even a single person from our team! The fewer people who know, the better!" Virat said in a serious voice, while assuring him with a manly hug.

Whatever happened today, I don't know why I agreed to maintain this fake relationship with him. I was mad, totally mad at him for doing this. But the way he held my hands and said everything with those genuine eyes, he took away my heart. His words were so deep that I couldn't say no to them. This is going to be really tough because it's just about handling this situation and not in reality. This guy is affecting me in a way that scares me. I want this accidental relation to get over as soon as possible.

I don't want to fall for him because I think I am!

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