Chapter 23

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"Why did I have to get a duck in this match of all matches!" I fumed inwardly, seething with frustration.

If it had been any other match, I could have taken it in stride, but not today. Today, I wanted to perform more than ever, especially in front of her. I envisioned that big smile on her face when I scored big. But fate had other plans for me. For the first time, I was genuinely excited to play, and this happened.

Damn it!

My anger simmered, ready to explode at any provocation. This was supposed to be a cherished moment for me, one filled with pride and accomplishment, yet it had turned into a nightmare.

The dressing room fell into an uncomfortable silence, mirroring my disappointment. It's not that I couldn't accept failure; I always learn from my mistakes.

But why today?

Pandya mentioned that Niki came to see me, but I sent her away. I knew I wouldn't be able to face her, let alone talk to her, without unleashing my frustration.

Returning to the hotel, I hoped Niki would be asleep, sparing me from facing her. However, she was wide awake, and her eyes glistened with unshed tears.

Had she been crying?

"Vee? Are you okay?" Her voice, sweet and melodious, cut through the tense air.

I glanced at her, noticing the hint of moisture in her eyes. "Are you crying?" I asked, concern lacing my tone as I stood up and held her shoulders gently.

"This is not what I asked," she replied, her voice trembling.

"Niku! You cried! I can see it! Tell me why?" I wiped away her tears gently, trying to understand.

"Virat, I think I should leave from here," she murmured, avoiding my gaze.

Leave? Why?

"Why? Did someone say something to you? Just tell me, and I'll handle it," I said, my tone serious and protective.

"No, Vee, it's just that I feel like I'm not lucky for you. This was the first time I came to watch you play, and you got out. People are blaming me, saying I'm the reason behind it. Maybe they're right, Virat. I should go because you have the rest of the series ahead, and I don't want you to face such situations because of me," she explained, showing me the hurtful comments.

My heart ached hearing her doubts.

"Are you crazy? Do you have any idea how happy I was to see you there? It's true; I was disheartened because I didn't perform well, especially in front of you. But it wasn't your fault. You're the luckiest girl I could ever have, baby! Don't you trust me to perform well in the next game?" I held her waist tightly, trying to reassure her.

"I do! I do believe in you, Vee, totally. But what if they're right?" She frowned, her eyes searching mine for answers.

"It doesn't matter what they say! I don't care about those comments, Niku! I know who I am with, and I'm blessed to have you in my life. Don't ever doubt that. These same people will celebrate when I score a century," I said, trying to dispel her insecurities.

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