Chapter 22

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It was match day, and the stadium was alive with thousands of fans screaming in anticipation of an Indian victory. As the players headed back to the dressing room for the toss, my heart raced with nervous excitement. This was my first time watching a live match, and the thrill of seeing Virat play in person filled me with a mix of emotions.

I couldn't help but feel a flutter of nerves despite knowing that I was just there to watch. Panda had persuaded me to come many times before, but I always had work commitments. This time was different; I was there for Virat. His words echoed in my mind when he expressed his desire for me to be there when he scored big.

Time passed, and finally, I caught sight of Virat entering the stadium for the toss. The sight of him in his iconic number 18 jersey stirred something deep within me. A smile adorned my face as I watched my man step onto the field. It was a feeling beyond words.

Did I just refer to him as 'my man'?

Unfortunately, he wasn't mine, but in that moment, watching him, it felt like he was.

"Babe, are you going to eat Virat now?" Rits snapped her fingers in front of me, bringing me back to the present as I realized I had been staring at him continuously.

We were seated in the VIP box, and cheers erupted as we won the toss, with Virat deciding to bowl first.

I had never been so excited about cricket before, especially not to see Virat bat live. I wasn't a frequent cricket watcher; Panda and I used to argue about it as I rarely came to see him play live.

But this time was different. I wanted to witness Virat score big because I knew how much it meant to him.

The match began, and I observed Virat intently, noting every expression on his face. His eyes revealed his passion and dedication, and each time a wicket fell, his emotions were laid bare. His intensity and commitment were evident, a testament to the responsibilities that came with being the Indian Captain.

As the first innings ended with the score at 235 all out, I marveled at how well the bowlers had performed.

The players headed back to the pavilion for the innings break, and I contemplated meeting Virat. However, I decided against it, thinking he might be busy strategizing with the team or needing some rest before his batting innings.

I was engrossed in conversation with the girls when I received a message on my phone. A smile lit up my face as I read it; it was from Virat.

Come outside the dressing room! Right now!

Is he sitting in my mind and reading all my thoughts?

I excused myself from the girls and hurried to where he had called me. As I approached, I saw him standing with his back to me. I tapped his shoulder gently, and when he turned around, his face lit up at the sight of me. And mine mirrored his, filled with joy and affection.

"So, are you enjoying the match?" he asked, pulling me closer and tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Yes, but I'm eagerly waiting for your performance," I replied with a smile.

"Oh, even I can't wait to bat in front of you! I just had to see you before heading back to the field," he said, locking eyes with me.

"All the best, Vee!" I hugged him tightly.

"Aah! That's exactly what I needed," he said, reciprocating the hug with equal warmth.

"I'll meet you after the match. I have to go now," he said, planting a gentle kiss on my forehead before leaving, leaving me smiling as I looked down.

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