Emilio - He Breaks Up With You (Part 1)

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Y/N Pov:

Lately, Emi has been drifting away from me. Everytime I would ask him if he wanted to do something with me he would make up an excuse to not hang out. It's really breaking my heart cause I feel like he doesn't love me anymore. What if he's moved on from me?

Now's not the time to think about Emilio and I. Right now, I'm leaving to go to my photoshoot. I grabbed my phone and some money and walked out of my room. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. Emilio was talking to Tessa. Of course they were talking. Ugh, I feel like he's going to ditch me for her. I grabbed a bottled water from the fridge. I started walking away.


"Now's not the time Emilio. I have a photoshoot to get to and if I don't leave now then I'm going to be late. Whatever you have to say can wait. Okay? Bye."

I walked to the front door and opened it but someone shut the door before I could walk out. I turned around and it was Emilio.

"I need to talk to you."

"Oh, now you want to talk to me? After all this time? Everytime I try to talk to you, you just ignore me or make up some lame ass excuse to not hang out with me. So, whatever you have to say can wait Emilio!"

"I don't think this can wait."

"I need you to leave me alone for now Emilio!"

"I'm breaking up with you."

"Your what?"

"I'm feel like we should see other people."

"Wow, I knew it......I fucking knew it! You are breaking up with me to be with Tessa!"

"What? No! Y/N!"

"Goodbye Emilio!"

I tried to open the door but Emilio was in front of it, blocking my way.

"Get the fuck out of my way Emilio!"

He wouldn't move.


I started walking towards to he backyard. The back door was already open. I walked back there to the side of the house. I started walking towards the front. Someone grabbed my arm and turned me around. It was Emilio, once again.

"What the hell do you want!"

"I'm not breaking up with you cause of Tessa!"

"I'm doubt that! Now let go of me! I'm already going to be late for my photo shoot! You broke up with me! There's no reason for you to be talking to me anymore!"

I started to cry. I held off as much as I could. I knew I was going to cry in front of him. I grabbed his hand and took off of my arm.

"Goodbye Emilio."

He didn't say anything. I started walking off again to my car. I'm going to look somewhere else to live cause I do not want to live in the same house as Emilio.


A/N: I don't kow if you guys want a second part to this one, but let me know if you do:))

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