Ivan - Kissing Booth

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Y/N Pov:

I was hanging out with Tessa right now cause it's her birthday today.

"Happy birthday T!"

"Thank you!"

"I got you a present, here."

I handed her the present.

"Awe, you shouldn't have!"

"When your done opening the rest of your presents today, open mine."


"Cause I want you to save the best for the last."

"Awe y/n!"

I hugged Tessa and she continued to vlog.

"I guess Jake is doing a kissing booth downstairs, in the front."



I walked up to Tessa and where she was standing. I looked out the window and saw all the boys out there. I hope Ivan doesn't kiss anybody. I know we're not dating....but still. I have a huge crush on him and he doesn't know.

"Let's go down there and you can kiss Ivan!"

"What? No, I can't!"

"Yes, you can y/n!"

"I don't get a say in this?"


Tessa and Erika dragged me downstairs to the front. Tessa and Erika are the only ones who know I have a crush on Ivan. Jake and Tessa were vlogging. I wasn't really paying attention to anyone. I was mostly in the back where no one could see me.

"You know who should kiss?"

Tessa asked everyone. My heart started to speed up. Please don't Tessa. What if he doesn't want to.

"Ivan and y/n!"


"Do it!"

Tessa dragged me to the front of the booth right by Ivan. I feel like my heart is pounding so fast it might actually pop out of my chest. I might be over exaggerating...but still.

"Uhm, I don't know."

Everyone started shouting.

"Do it!"

"Do it!"

"Do it!"


Ivan shouted. Wait, what? I turned to look at Ivan and he got close to me. One of his hands cupped my dace and he started leaning in. Oh my fucking god, this is actually happening. I gotta remind myself to thank Tessa later.

Ivan finally had his lips on mine.....it wasn't just a peck though. I started kissing back.

"Okay, okay! That's enough!"

I was going to pull away but Ivan cupped both of cheeks. At this point we were making out. Someone pulled us apart.

"This isn't the making out booth!"

I could feel my cheeks getting really warm.

"I'm going to go inside."

I whispered to Tessa.

"Thanks, by the way."

"No problem."

Tessa smiled and winked at me. I walked back inside. I walked upstairs to my room and closed the door. I can't believe that actually just happened. Someone knocked on my door.

"Who is it?"


Fuck! What? Why? Shit! What does he want? I opened the door and he walked in.

"Do you need something?"


"What exactly do you-"

Ivan quickly cupped my face and smashed his lips on mine. That honestly caught me off guard. After realizing what was happening I started kissing him back. He pulled his head back a little bit.

"What was that for?"

"I like you."

"I like you too."


A/N: sorry I've been slacking on this book:))

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