Ivan - Dead Prank.

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Y/N Pov:

I was just swimming with Rebeca. She went to her Mom's house and I went to the hotel. I walked in and Ivan was laying down in front of the door.

"Ivan? What are you-Ivan?"

I quickly bent down and there was blood coming out of his mouth.


I started to tear up.

"Emilio! Emi! Where the fuck are you? Emilio, get out here!"

Emilio ran out here and ran up to me and Ivan.

"What happened?"

I-I don't know. I just got here and found Ivan on the floor.

"Ivan! What happened?"

He started coughing and more blood came out of his mouth.

I grabbed his head to lift him up on my lap.

"What happened? Ivan, what happened?"

"It's a prank."

I felt like my heart dropped. I got up.

"Are you fucking kidding me Ivan? I hate you so much!"

"I was in it."

"You were in it? I hate you both so much right now."

Ivan got up and tried to hug me.

"No, get away from me! Go clean yourself up."

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