Spaghetti - Cassidy

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You and Cassidy were sharing a plate of spaghetti bolognese, which seemed romantic, but it really wasn't as romantic as Disney had made it out to be.

"Sharing a single strand of spaghetti is not romantic. Stop asking." You laughed quietly, taking a sip of your beer and watching the vampire closely.

"But you love that film," he protested with a small smile. "Y'know you want to, love."

"I don't," you chuckled, almost choking on the food. "It won't even work."

"How do you know it won't work?" He asked teasingly, slowly trying to persuade you to share a strand of spaghetti with him.

"Alright, we can try it," you caved, knowing you would have given up anyway. "But if it fails, it's on you."

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