Theatre Fun - Archie Hicox

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Archie had taken you to a film premiere, as he was supposed to write a review on it for his editor, but he found it wasn't captivating his attention and that it was simply... Boring; you were sat beside him in the theatre, almost drifting off to sleep, when Archie put his hand on your thigh and slowly cascaded it up your dress and to the waistline of your panties.

"What are you doing?" You whispered, looking at him and biting your lip.

"Having a little fun," he smirked back, teasingly pulling your panties down a little and slowly running a finger through your folds. "You alright with that, darling?"

"Yes," you gasped out when two of his fingers entered you and he slowly pumped them in and out of you sex, causing you to buck your hips softly. "Jesus, Archie!"

"Hush," he whispered, pressing his lips to yours. "Quiet, darling."

"God," you moaned quietly as he kept up his movements, bucking your hips against his hand once again. "Archie, keep going."

"That was my thinking," he chuckled lowly, trailing kisses from your temple down to your collarbone; his fingers softly hit your sweet spot, making you whimper out his name as quietly as possible. "That's a good girl."

"Oh my god," you threw your head back, began to grind against his hand and put one of yours on his wrist in an attempt to get him to go deeper, begging for him to carry on. "Archie, please, more."

"Later," he promised, hitting your sweet spot again. "You'll have more later, darling."

"Oh, keep going," you begged, biting your lip and moaning softly as you came; your juices soaking his hand, walls clenching around his fingers, breaths becoming harsh and even, heart racing. When you were done, Archie retracted his hand and smirked at you as he licked your juices off of his fingers, silently moaning at your taste.

"Did you like that, darling?" He teased, licking his lips.

"Yes," you panted, already wanting what he had promised.

"Well," he chuckled. "Why don't we go home now, and you can have what I promised?"

"But what about your review?"

"I'm sure my editor and my publisher will understand."

"Then, yes. Let's go home."

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