Sociopaths and Dinner - Erik Lehnsherr

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"(Y/N)," Erik chased after you, for the sixth time that day. He was always asking you out on dates, but you always declined out of sheer curiosity as to how long he would keep asking. "I have reservations at Dorsia, would you like to join me, for dinner?"

"Ah, what a shame. If you weren't a psychotic controlling sociopath, I would have let you take me out for dinner," you said, blowing him off but trying your hardest not to agree; you had to admit, Erik was incredibly attractive, and he seemed like just a misunderstood man who deserved love, he was also gentlemanly to you and tried his best to get to know you. "Sorry, Erik."

"Just once, please?"

"If I say yes," you toyed. "Will you finally stop asking me out?"

"Of course." He grinned.

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