Singin' In the Rain - Cassidy

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Skies of dark grey loomed up above, the sun had gone into hiding hours ago, the clouds of almost black cried heavily, splashing the asphalt and creating puddles of murky water; you and Cassidy were on your way home, arms linked, when an idea formed in your head. You quickly took the vampire's umbrella and headed toward the nearest lamppost.

"What you doin', love?" Cassidy mused, watching you with a small smirk; you shrugged and gripped the lamppost with one hand, putting one foot on it and grinning at him.

"I'm singin' in the rain," you sang, putting the umbrella up and holding it above your head. "Just singin' in the rain, what a glorious feelin', I'm happy again!"

"Singing in the rain?" Cassidy shook his head and chuckled lowly as you twirled yourself around the lamppost and spun the umbrella in your hands.

"I'm laughing at the clouds," you continued, trying not to laugh. "So dark up above, the sun's in my heart, and I'm ready for love." With precise movements, you got down and walked over to Cassidy, holding the umbrella above both of your forms with a little smirk. "What do you say, Cassidy, you ready for love?"

"Are you bloody jokin'?" He teased, putting his hands on your hips and pulling you closer. "Of course I am."

"Good," you grinned again, pecking his lips sweetly. "Because I am too."

"You best not keep singin' Gene Kelly, though," he chuckled, kissing you again.

"Aw, why?" You pouted teasingly.

"Because I'd rather hear you singing my name, love." He growled lustfully, giving your hips a little squeeze.

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