Uncle Jesse - platonic!Jesse Custer, Cassidy

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You and Cassidy sat Jesse down and held hands. It had taken you and your husband all night to settle on how to tell your best friend the news.

"What's wrong?" Jesse asked with furrowed brows, his eyes darting between you and Cassidy.

"You're gonna be an uncle, padre," Cassidy grinned, watching as Jesse tried to figure out what he had meant. "(Y/N)'s pregnant."

"You are?" Jesse asked you.

"I am." You said with a grin that equally matched your husband's.

"I'm... An uncle?" Jesse's furrowed brows stayed fixed where they were as he kept looking between you and Cassidy.

"Well, it makes sense you'd be our kid's uncle," you explained to the preacher. "You're our best friend, after all, so... Anyway, how ya feelin' about it?"

"Congrats," Jesse grinned. "Got any ideas for names?"

"If you're trying to get us to infer that Jesse would be a name - no." You and Cassidy laughed at that.

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