Stressful Bunking Off - Teen!Moriarty

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Jim was stressed, which was never a great thing, but it was never exactly unusual, either; however, when you found him in the Art classroom, rubbing his temples, muttering about this, that and the other, you grew worried. Sitting on the stool beside him, you tilted your head and watched what he was doing.

"Hey, J," you said, daring to place a hand on his shoulder. "What's up?"

"This is boring!" He cried out with an overdramatic sigh. "This entire... Normalcy is boring! I hate it!"

"Woah," you chuckled softly, taking your hand off of his shoulder and gazing into the pools of dark hickory. "J, are you really stressing out over boredom?"

"Yes!" Jim huffed, resting his forehead against the table in front of you both and folding his arms over his chest.

"Well," you mused, putting your hand on the back of his neck and toying with his obsidian hair. "Why don't we just bunk off? Maybe, take a walk down town?"

"I'd like that," he mumbled.


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