Miss You Terribly - Archie Hicox

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As far as you knew, Archie was working on a new review, it was to be his last one before leaving, and he was working fairly hard on it too; you were listening to an old jazz song, singing along and dancing, as per your usual, but you didn't dare tell Archie you did so, as you knew he would tease you about it, if only a little.

"He'll build a little home," you sang. "That's meant for two-"

"From which I'll never roam," came Archie's voice, startling you as you turned and met his gaze.

"H-how long have you been standing there?" You asked, turning the song off.

"Long enough, darling," he replied, walking up to you and taking your hands in his gently. "You have a marvellous voice, I only wish you could come with me when I meet those Basterd fellows."

"I do, too. I'll miss you, Archie, I don't want you to leave."

"I'll come back," he reassured. "But while I'm gone, I'll miss you terribly."

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