Chapter #5

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It gets just a bit pervy at some point

Not much but still

Just don't say you haven't been warned ok

Three months ago

"I think we'll get going," said Draco, standing up from his chair, about to leave the table.

"Oh, wait a moment, Draco," his mother said at once. "Come with me."

Draco shot an annoyed look at Aurora, but she just nodded, what meant telling him to go. Narcissa left the room and he followed her, leaving Aurora with his father.

Narcissa walked straight to her and Lucius' bedroom, then approached the big black wooden cupboard and opened the first drawer. Draco was watching all this in confusion.

"There it is," she said to herself, taking a small navy blue velvet box out of it and then she turned to her son. "Draco, I think it's time I gave you something," she opened the box, revealing a silver ring with a tiny 'M' engraved on it, along with tens of little crystals.

"Your father proposed to me with that ring, and his father proposed to your grandmother and so on. It has been in the Malfoy family for generations and it is the most valuable heirloom our family has," she explained, then sighed. "And now I can see that it's time to pass it down to you," she added, giving him the box. Draco took it hesitantly and absent-mindedly stared at the ring, speechless. Narcissa was watching him intensely, feeling tears gathering in her eyes.

"I think you've found the one, Draco," she said after a moment of silence, "but it's up to you what you'll do. Use this ring well. No proposal with it has ever been unsuccessful."

Draco merely nodded, then closed the box and put in his robes' pocket, still too shocked to speak.

"I can't believe this day has come," Narcissa gasped and wrapped her arms around her son, then wiped a single tear from her eye.

They both came back to the dining room. Aurora was watching Draco's face with curiosity, trying to figure out what happened.

"What was that your mother wanted?" she asked as they Apparated in front of the door to the Malfoy Manor. Draco looked at her, uneasy.

"Uhm, she asked if I wanted to take some of my older things," he said awkwardly, and suddenly the box in his pocket felt very heavy.

The entire floor was covered with rose petals. And I mean it when I say entire. Each and every inch of the marble floor was hidden under petals.

I stood there for a moment with my eyes wide and mouth agape, absorbing the sight. Last time I was this shocked Draco kissed me for the first time.

"Draco?" I called as I regained my voice. It only echoed in the hall, leaving me with no response.

I took off my shoes and stepped onto the petals, what immediately caused them to fly up into the air and then land on the staircase, creating somewhat of a path. I followed it and it led me upstairs, straight to the bathroom. There, on the mirror, was another note.

I'll come for you at 8.

I bit my lip. It was after five, I had plenty of time. I wondered what Draco had planned... And why... Because I don't think he'd go that far if he just wanted to apologise. I mean, rose petals?

Soon, I began to get ready and when it was time to get dressed, I looked unsurely at the black box I had brought from the office. I took off the lid and sighed as I looked at the magnificent dress once again. I wasn't sure if I could pull the sleeveless thing off...

Planned Liars • Draco MalfoyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz