Chapter #6

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This entire chapter is written from Draco's point of view.

I woke up very late, at least by my standards. It took me longer than a minute to adjust my sight to the sunshine that filled the room, since the bed hadn't been curtained. Yawning, I recalled last night's events and yes - it was definitely something worth recalling.

I stretched my arms, then turned onto my left side and smiled at the sight in front of me.

There she was.

Sleeping peacefully, breathing evenly, her hair badly messed up.

I took one strand between my fingers and carefully moved it aside. I noticed the duvet was showing a bit too much, so I made sure to pull it in order to cover her. She stirred a bit, but didn't wake up. Typical, she hates waking up.

She looked so innocent, yet I knew she was nowhere near being innocent.

I wasn't looking at her for more than five minutes when she stirred again, then suddenly opened her eyes with a yawn.

"Well, well, well. We welcome the goddess to the mortals' world," I said as she rubbed her eyes.

"Is it a dream?" she yawned again. "Was it all a dream?"

"Let's see," I replied and leaned in to kiss her, but she pushed my face away.

"Don't you dare kiss me," she said warningly, suddenly very much awake, "have you ever heard about something like bad breath?"

I smirked.

"Oh, that's not what you said la..."

"Don't. Even. Finish. That. Sentence," she said through clenched teeth, stretching out her arms.

When I was about to respond, her stomach grumbled and I couldn't help but laugh at that.

"Well, someone's hungry," I said and she immediately grabbed a pillow from somewhere behind her and tossed it at me, but I easliy caught it before it even reached my face. Oh, she'll never learn.

"Well, someone promised to take me out for dinner last night, but they didn't, so I have every right in the universe to be hungry," she crossed her arms.

"I was planning to, but things got...more interesting. Much more interesting than food, am I right or am I right?"

"Oh, shut up, Malfoy," she groaned and rolled her eyes, but I could see she was smiling anyways.

Ah, I could tease her for a living.

"What a predictable answer, Mrs. Malfoy," I said smugly.

She stared at me for a moment, half surprised, half confused, her [colour] eyes wide, then threw another pillow at me (which I caught again, of course).

"You've been trying to hit me with that pillow since we were sixteen and you still haven't succeeded," I laughed at her.

"I'm not falling for this, Dracon," she said darkly.

My turn to roll my eyes.

"Don't you 'Dracon' me."

"Or what? Should've thought about it before you proposed. Maybe it was a mistake," she tried to act tough and serious, but I could see right through her.

"If it was, it was the best mistake I've made in my life," I told her and she froze for a moment again. I saw her becoming flushed, but then she shook her head.

"No, I'm not falling for it. Whatever you're trying to trick me into."

Merlin, sometimes I forget how much she knows about me as well.

"I'm not tricking you into anything, but whatever you say," I yawned and she sighed, then settled herself more comfortably on the bed and stared at the canvas above us.



"We'll need to tell your parents, right? Because mine, of course, won't even care..." her voice broke down at the end of the sentence and I had to take her mind off of it quickly.

"I suppose my mother knows already."

"What? What do you mean?" she immediately turned her head to look at me.

"Well, she was the one who give me the ring. She knew I had been planning it, so it won't be much of a surprise for her."

Aurora sighed, running a hand through her blonde hair.

"I feel like I want to tell everyone I know," she said quietly.

"Then do it?" I raised my eyebrows.

"You have nothing against it?"

"If I can see pretty guy Shane's reaction, nothing at all."

She let out a small laugh.

"Alright, but I'm starting tomorrow. Today is one of those days when I'm just going to wear one of your t-shirts and don't even bother doing anything with my hair except for brushing it once," she announced.

I turned away from her and leaned towards the floor to pick up my t-shirt tossed there just hours ago.

"Here," I held it out to her, trying to stop my laughter as she glared at me.

"Why did I say yes when you're so gross?" she shook her head, then closed her eyes. "I have to go the bathroom now, but I'm too tired. You should carry me there or something."

After knowing her for so many years, I've learnt that Aurora never actually expected me to do what she told me to, so I surprised her. I quietly got out of the bed and walked to her side, then picked her up, the duvet falling off of her. She opened her eyes, totally startled.

"Whoa! You scared me!" she shouted, fear in her eyes.

"You think I would let you fall?" I asked her.

"That's exactly what I think."

"Okay," I shrugged and let her go, so she fell onto the bed.

Now this was the moment when she was about to burst out. But I couldn't help enjoying every second of her being mad. She looked funny and attractive.

"I - freaking - hate you. I regret ever meeting you, falling for you and..." I cut her off by lowering my head and kissing her. Oh, I knew she was going to be even more pissed off, if that's possible.

She pushed my shoulders with her legs, making me step back.

"I HATE YOU, MALFOY!" she yelled and I couldn't stop laughing at her shamelessly.

"I've heard that on a daily basis ever since Potter decided to be friends with the ginger clan so I'm not very touched, you know?"

Too busy laughing at her, I didn't notice when she grabbed another pillow and threw it straight at me and then, for the first time, she succeeded.

"You finally did it! After five years!" I laughed as she stood up.

"I'm going to the bathroom, Malfoy, and you'd better have the breakfast ready when I come out," she said warningly and left the room quickly as I kept on laughing to myself.

Planned Liars • Draco MalfoyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz