Chapter #20

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Days passed quickly, probably because Draco and I had lots of things to do for the wedding. Making the final guest list, sending the invitations, choosing the flowers, the food, everything... Lucius tried to butt in once or twice, but Narcissa clearly didn't let him. She always took Draco's side and since he always took mine...It was three against one in every aspect. That's why Hermione and Ron are invited, as well as Callie and her husband.

Shane was completely useless at work. Behaving like a maniac, he kept on talking about this 'Dalia' girl he actually managed to meet up with. From what I've understood, they weren't a couple yet, but Shane really counted on making it happen.

As we stepped into June, I spent two days planning out Draco's birthday in all that wedding madness. When the day came - the fifth of June - I was really anxious to go home after work and celebrate with him properly, that's why I was packing my things with super speed. I was almost finished when Hermione entered my office.

"Oh, hey, you're leaving already?" she asked, standing in the doorway.

"Hey, yeah," I replied with a smile, looking up from my desk. "It's Draco's birthday today, so you know."

"Oh, then we'll remember the date."

"What date?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I... I just found out that I'm pregnant," she said with a huge smile on her face and I gaped at her.

Wow. Another one pregnant? It's a matter of time before Shane's girl gets pregnant... Am I the only one left now?

"Really? Hermione, it's great, congratulations. Does Ron know?"

She sighed heavily.

"I'm about to tell him... I hope he won't pass out or something..."

Just when she said that, Draco appeared right behind her.

"Are you ready?" he asked, looking straight at me and leaning himself against the doorframe with crossed arms.

"Oh, Draco, yes, I'm done. And have you heard the news? Hermione is pregnant!" I told him happily.

He blinked a few times, then began staring at me blankly.

"So what?" he raised an eyebrow and I looked at him with irony.

"Seriously, Draco?"

He shrugged.

"I mean, it's not our child, so..."

I sighed and looked at the ceiling, as if for strength.

"What did I expect?"

"I'll go now, Aurora, I have to find Ron. Oh, and happy birthday, Draco," she said, then turned on her heel and left. Draco looked more than surprised by the fact she wished him anything.

"You could've been a bit nicer, couldn't you?" I told him as he walked up to me to wrap his arms around my waist.

"Not today, Aurora," he said with satisfaction.

After we came back home, we spent the entire day talking, teasing each other and recalling some memories, since I gave Draco a huge album with photos and things we shared for all those years. In the evening, we went outside to watch the stars - it was really warm outside, espiecially with summer about to begin.

"Do you remember when I splashed you with water when we first met?" I asked him, sitting on the fountain in the middle of the garden.

"I thought I would strangle you, so yes, I remember," he said, sitting right beside me.

"And what about... Now?" I asked playfully and, without warning, dipped my hand into the water and splashed him a little.

Draco looked at me with a serious face.

"You have not just done that."

"I have," I laughed, then hugged him tightly. "Why did I ever say I didn't want to be your wife?" I added and then I kissed Draco on the neck, causing him to gasp a little.

"You've never done this before..." he said quietly.

"But it's your birthday today..." I replied simply, kissing him again. "Let's cuddle, hm?"

"Oh, no," Draco said definitely, having let out a small moan after I kissed the most sensitive spot on his neck. "You started it, you pay for it," he hissed, putting his hand on my hips.

"No, no now. It's your birthday. So I lead," I said, grabbing his hands to push them away.

"I think it's the other way around," he said in a low voice.

"I think you're wrong, Mr. Malfoy. Ten points from Slytherin. And punishment," I replied with determination, looking into his eyes.

Draco shook his head and put his hands on both sides of me so I couldn't stand up from the fountain if I wanted.

"It's my birthday, so we're playing according to my rules, Mrs. Malfoy," he said strictly. He knew exactly how to manipulate me. Saying Mrs. Malfoy was usually enough.

At that point, he was staring at me hungrily and it meant only one thing - another sleepless night was ahead and there was no way in hell I would go to work on the next day.

Three weeks later I really regretted taking my last available days off to spend time with Draco, because I woke up feeling completely sick and spent some good time in the bathroom. When I got to work, I felt as though I woke up from the dead. Shane came to help me because Mira was absent and Hermione joined us to give us some papers from her department.

"Hell, Aurora, you look like a corpse," said Shane, putting his cup of coffee on my desk. The moment my nose sensed its aroma, I suddenly felt sick again.

"Get. This. Coffee. Away from me or I'll throw up on you. This smell will kill me," I said, covering my mouth and nose which seemed sensitive to everything on that day.

"Woah, that bad? Even Dalia likes this coffee and she's not a huge fan of coffee in overall."

"You're drinking it because she drinks it? You really are obsessed," I said as he put the coffee on Mira's desk instead.

"I'm not obsessed, I just know what she likes."

"You've known her for like what, four months or something? She could be kidding you for all you know," I said and when Shane was about to retort, Hermione asked me:

"Did you eat anything bad yesterday?

"No, nothing, that's why I'm angry," I answered. "But almost every smell makes me sick right now."

Hermione didn't say anything and just eyed me suspiciously.

Planned Liars • Draco MalfoyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz