Chapter #10

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"You Slytherins always ignored everyone else and didn't talk to anyone else, so, you know, other people didn't approach you much," Shane explained, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Yeah, I know the stereotype, Shane. And?" I wanted him to get to the point.

"And that's why I've never noticed you before that. Anyways, I didn't quite understand what happened at that party, because you came with Zabini, but then I saw you go after Malfoy..."

I shuddered at the memory. Draco loved pointing it out to me any moment he got the chance. I didn't really want to recall this.

"This is much more complicated than you think. But I've never been with Blaise. Continue."

Here Shane let out a deep sigh, staring at the river.

"I began to have a crush on you, to put it simply."

I turned to him with my eyebrows raised. This statement completely caught me off guard.

"What?" I said, my mouth agape. "You have never even talked to me back then."

"Because you were a Slytherin," he said as though it was the most obvious thing in the world. "I was behind you during Apparition lessons, when you had the argument with Malfoy's guys..."

I scrunched my eyebrows, trying to recall this.

Draco and I stood next to Crabbe and Goyle, and suddenly Crabbe whispered, "Had fun during Christmas?"

"Shut up, Crabbe," Draco whispered back. Since we've come back, he couldn't really live with the fact that Draco wasn't telling them anything, and that Snape was now putting them in detention on daily basis.

"I assume your plan isn't going this well, huh?" he said.

"What is your business in it?" I spat. "Shut up if you don't want to scratch more dirt from..."

"You think you're untouchable, huh? Think Snape loves you?" Crabbe sneered. Draco approached him.

"Don't you dare speak of this in..."

"Malfoy, Mullen, be quiet and pay attention!" barked McGonagall. We furiously stepped away from Crabbe and Goyle, and Snape sent me a you-were-supposed-to-shush-him look.

"I can't even recall seeing you there."

He laughed.

"Well, because I didn't want you to see me. I knew I had no chances with you, considering you were always with Malfoy and all that gang."

I sighed, nodding. He was right. Back then, if some random Ravenclaw boy he happened to be at that time walked up to me and told me something like, I like you, I would probably start laughing uncontrollably or just give him a weird look and pretend that I hadn't heard him. Shane continued.

"Anyways, my uncle used to work at the Ministry, you know that. He took me there during holidays before the seventh year, we met your parents and somehow it turned out you and I know each other and all...I told your parents I really liked you, but, you know, I don't think they understood it that way...They thought I was Zabini for a moment. And they didn't know, obviously, that I was a Ravenclaw. They thought I was a Slytherin friend of yours and that you, and I quote, finally found someone better than that Malfoy boy."

I rolled my eyes at the quote, then bit my lip as I realised something.

"So that's how they asked you to help?"

"Exactly," he confirmed. "They even expected me to become your boyfriend or something... They were really concerned about you, I just... Couldn't refuse. Not only because I still liked you, somehow, but they were so desparated..."

Planned Liars • Draco MalfoyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz