Chapter #11

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I have sinned again

Just don't say I haven't warned you


"And then he goes, I like Pansy Parkinson."

It was not that late, but Draco and I have already been in bed and I was telling him about what Shane had said. It was almost dark, we had no lights on and the balcony's door was wide open, letting in the warm summer air. It was one of these moments I literally lived for.

"They're a great match, then, aren't they?" Draco said.

I started laughing.

"You always know what to say," I ruffled his hair, being happy he was taking my mind off all that mess.

"That's obvious?" he said, looking at me with superiority. "Are you going to talk to him, anyways? I hope you won't?"

"I think we'll stay on... Let's say formal terms for now," I replied, settling myself closer to him on the bed and we talked for half an hour or so.

"It's hot out here," Draco said when it was completely dark outside and immediately took off his T-shirt. Oh, how typical.

"You say it's hot even if it's winter," I shook my head and put my hand on his chest - it really was warm. He smirked.

"Well, maybe it's not the weather. Maybe it's your fault."

I grabbed a pillow from next to me and smacked it into his face with all my force.

"Pervert," I muttered, but smiled anyways.

"I think that was a compliment for you, nothing else."

I shook my head and turned onto my stomach, then put my head and arm on his chest, using it as a pillow. Draco snorted.

"Aren't you too comfortable?"

"No, to be honest, your chest is remarkably uncomfortable."

He rolled his eyes.

"Because you have so much experience on lying on somebody's chest."

"Only on yours, but it's still uncomfortable."

At those words, Draco pushed me off of him and I glared at him.

"Don't lay here if it's so uncomfortable."

I narrowed my eyes at him and crossed my arms. That guy. That. Guy.

Still acts like he's twelve. Then I'll act the same way, very well.


I turned away from him, so he was facing my back.

"Sweet nightmares," I added through gritted teeth.

He laughed and easily pulled me towards himself again, then forced me to turn my face to him and let me rest on his chest again. Of course he had to tease me first, he couldn't just do things, like every normal person in this world.

But maybe that was partly the reason why I loved him. I have lived with his teasing since childhood and I don't think I can imagine my life without it. And I partly wish he would never grow out of it.

"I love you, Draco," I whispered.

I don't know what made me say it then. It just felt right, even though we don't usually say it to each other. I didn't even expect him to say it back, I knew he wasn't really the type to. But then, to my surprise, he grabbed my chin and led my head so my face was right in front of his, inches apart.

"I love you too," he whispered back and right after that, kissed me. Once, twice...There were more and more and they were getting more passionate and rough. We moved on the bed so he was hovering over me, his hands gripping my hips.

He barely let me catch my breath between the kisses as I tangled my hand in his hair; I gasped as one of his hands slid down my hip to my inner thigh. He smirked at my reaction.

"It's so easy to distract you."

Angry, I took my hand away from his hair and started playing with the hem of his boxers, purposefully touching his skin in the process. He eventually groaned after a moment.

"Damn it, stop teasing."

"Oh, revenge is sweet."

So as his revenge, he began to play with the hem of my nightshirt, his other hand roaming all over my thigh. Things were all going into one direction when we suddenly heard a weird sound, something like a hiss. Both of us stopped in our tracks.

"What was that?" I whispered.

Draco sat up at once and looked around the dark room. No one seemed to be there.

There was another hiss and I sat up, too, alarmed. After the third hiss, I finally understood.

"It's the fireplace," I told Draco, pointing at it as I jumped off the bed. I realised somebody was trying to contact us through it and there were feeble traces of smoke. 

I walked up to the fireplace and squatted, just in time to see Mira's head materialise in front of me.

"Miss Mulllen, we have an emergency. A Thunderbird seen by many Muggles in Ireland. All Obliviators are called."

"A Thunderbird? They don't even live he... Ugh," I shook my head as I cursed under my breath. "Is Lovegood there?"

"Yes, Miss Lovegood is on the scene."

"Gather everyone in my office, I'll be there in a minute," I ordered. Mira nodded and disappeared as I heard Draco clear his throat behind me.

"You'll be there in a minute?" he asked pretentiously, standing there with his arms crossed. I stood up and heaved a sigh.

"I have no choice, Dra..."

"I hate your job," he cut me off and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me to himself. "Now listen. You'd better be back quickly. And I mean quickly or I'll come for you myself. And no freaking Ministry of Magic will stop me, get it?"

Merlin, I had no will to go to the Ministry at all at that point. Not in the slightest, even if they offered me all the money in the wizarding world.

"Give me motivation to come back quickly, then," I smirked at him.

Draco shook his head, then lowered it so he could speak directly into my ear.

"Don't get yourself into something you won't be able handle," he whispered, then nipped my earlobe. "One hour and I want to see you back here."

He let go of me and I grabbed my wand from the bedside table to quickly change to my Obliviator robes. Draco plopped down onto the bed again, arms crossed.

"One hour," he repeated and I nodded, then Disapparated.

When I appeared in my office, bright lights hit my eyesight and I rubbed my eyes. Three of my fellow Obliviators were already there.

"There's nothing better than a raid on a Friday night, am I right, Aurora?" I heard the voice of Agnes Stride, a very annoying, plump witch I simply loathed working with. This just couldn't be better.

"Yeah. Nothing better."

Planned Liars • Draco MalfoyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz