Chapter #15

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I expected Draco to burst out, but instead, he told Eunice calmly:

"And it is my pleasure to show you where the exit is."

I didn't even try to resist. I laughed out loud at that as Mira covered her mouth to giggle, and Shane looked at Draco in bewilderment.

Eunice shook her head, as though she didn't understand his words.

"Excuse me? I'm here to interview your fiancée, Mr. Malfoy, I will..."

"More plainly, then," Draco cut her off, then opened the door widely, "I am asking you to leave before I call the security."

"Oh, yes, the security should be called because of Mr. Stagridge's attempt to..."

Draco was still holding the door, smiling slightly, but I knew he was on the edge by then.

"Mrs. Rys, I'm giving you ten seconds before the security bursts in. One... Two... Three... Four..."

"Alright, alright!" she said with annoyance, closing her notepad. "I sincerely don't understand that anger. I thought better of you the last time we met, Mr. Malfoy. We'll meet again anyways. Soon," she said and left, then slammed the door behind her.

I felt as though a bucket of cold water was thrown over me.

"You know her?!" I shouted. "The last time you met? What is that supposed to mean? So this is why she knew so much about us?"

"Calm down, Aurora, for Merlin's sake," he said, walking up to me. "You were there too when I met her."

"I don't recall it," I narrowed my eyes at him and he sighed.

"It was when the news broke out my cousin got engaged and my father fought to disinherit her, remember? It was a year ago. She came to the manor, thinking my father was still living there, she was asking those weird questions."

"Just like she did with my cousin when she got married," Shane added to Draco's surprise. "Seems she has a thing for relationships."

I sighed, crossing my arms, then eventually kissed Draco on the cheek.

"Alright. You got rid of her, so you're forgiven."

"Of course I did," he said as though it was the most obvious thing in the world, then walked up to the door. "And I expect a reward later on," he added with a smirk, then left the office as I shook my head in disbelief.

"He is something, isn't he?" Shane said, then left the office as well.

I sat down by my desk again, smiling and trying not to think about what that woman meant by we'll meet again.

When I got home, Draco was very smug about the fact he had "rescued" us and he wouldn't let me hear the end of it. I should have predicted that. I was doing the dishes after dinner with my wand and groaning constantly as he was retelling the story of his heroism for the hundredth time.

"I'm done, I'm going to have a bath and get rid of your blabbering for a long time," I said, putting my wand into my pocket and walking to the door.

"Oh, come back here, I have something to tell you," he moaned, grabbing me by my wrist and pulling back into the kitchen like a five-year-old.

"I swear, if it's about today..."

"No, I have a surprise for you," Draco told me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Oh?" I raised an eyebrow, intrigued.

"I have chosen our wedding venue," he replied, causing my mouth to drop.

"What? Wait, what?!" I shouted as I regained my voice. "You have chosen our wedding venue without dicussing it with me at all?"

He rolled his eyes.

"I just want it to surprise you. I'm sure you'll love it."

"Wait, so you're not going to show it to me before the wedding?"

"No," he replied simply.

"What kind of an agreement is this?!" I shouted even more loudly, trying to get out of his embrace, but he held me tightly.

"Hey, have you ever recieved anything from me that you didn't like? Name one thing," he looked at me as if saying I dare you.

I thought about it. Okay. The necklace? I loved it. The dress? I loved it, too. Other multiple gifts I have recieved over the years? Okay, he had a point... But it still didn't let him do something like this!

"But this is about our wedding, not some little gift!" I fired at him.

"Then you can choose something else and not tell me."

"Like what?"

"Like the honeymoon destination."

"Oh, you can be sure as hell that I am choosing it," I told him in an orderly fashion.

"Anyway, the venue is booked for the end of July. That gives us six months for the preparations. And that means you are just six months away from becoming Mrs. Malfoy at last."

I bit my lip.

"It's really happening, isn't it?" I smiled at him, squeezing his shoulders. "I mean... What do you think you would say if somebody told your eleven-year-old-self that one day I'll be your wife?"

"What kind of question is that?" he raised his eyebrows.

"I don't know, I'm just wondering, okay? Because some twelve years ago I would have never thought Hermione would end up with Weasley... Potter with another Weasley... And I'd end up with you. I sincerely thought you'd end up with Pansy."

"I've liked you since we were fourteen, happy?" he confessed and I looked at him in surprise.

Wow. Well, that was the first time I was hearing about this... Draco went silent and I just stood there, smiling to myself. Before I could comment, he coughed awkwardly and spoke again:

"Anyway, we only need to give the venue the number of guests in two weeks. So we need a list."

"That's easy. Your parents, parents not..." here he rubbed my back reassuringly so I could quickly forget about them, "Hermione and Ron, I guess Harry is out of question? Shane, Blaise, Nott... Luna, Tracey, Mira... Oh, we have to invite Pansy aa well. Goyle..."

"We'll take care of it later," he said dismissively.

"Right. And on Saturday I'm going to go to Paris."

Draco raised his eyebrows.

"To Paris? What for?"

"The most important thing for the wedding, of course. The dress, duh," I explained, then cleared my throat. "And right now I'm going to have a bath," I added and began walking towards the corridor.

"Hold on, I'm going with you."

I stopped in my tracks and turned to him.

"Excuse me?"

He smirked.

"I still require a reward."

And here I poked him with my wand. Hard.

Planned Liars • Draco MalfoyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz