Chapter 1

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We were stood in the garden; my arm was wrapped around Danny's waist while his hung loosely around my shoulder. The cold morning air sent a shiver through me and I cuddled closer to Danny, resting my head on his shoulder. A smile was beaming from his face as we watched the bouncy castle being erected in our garden, he was clearly very pleased with our efforts but I worried that this would be too overwhelming for our little girl.

It was early, really early, and the kids were still in bed but Danny and I were completing the final preparations for the party.

"How's that?" the guy from the hire company shouted over to us.

"Perfect" Danny replied eagerly.

I let out a chuckle as I saw the excited kid in him finally being released.

"I'm going to get breakfast ready for the kids getting up" I said as I released my grip from Danny and headed back inside. I turned as I entered the house and saw Danny climbing onto the bouncy castle to 'try it out'

Once breakfast was prepared I headed upstairs. I walked into the nursery and saw Keira playing happily in her cot. "Morning my little birthday girl" I said as I lifted her from her cot, Keira's face lit up. I held her close to me as I kissed her head, my little baby is growing up so fast, and now we've got 'the terrible twos' to deal with, although as she snuggled against my chest I struggled to believe I'd have any problems with my little angel.

I turned and made my way to Alleysha's bedroom, she was sat on her bedroom floor playing with her dolls. "It's breakfast time baby" I said as I entered.

"Morning Mummy" came Alleysha's reply. I smiled as she got up from the floor and came to give me a hug. "Can I go wake Adam and Jessica now?" She asked mischievously.

"Come on then" I replied allowing her to lead the way to Adam's room. Alleysha's jumped onto Adam's bed forcing him awake. "Come on Adam, it's time for up" she said as she tried to prize his eyes open.

"Mum, get her off me" Adam grumbled as he pulled the duvet up over his head. I laughed to myself before calling Alleysha away from Adam's bed. "Breakfast in 5 minutes Adam, it's time to get up" I told him before turning to follow Alleysha into Jessica's room.

Jessica was also already awake and was putting the finishing touches to curling her hair as we walked in, I'm sure I didn't take this much pride in my appearance when I was 9.

"Breakfast time Jessica" Alleysha said as she marched into the bedroom.  Jessica turned from her dressing table and hugged Alleysha "Morning" she said to Alleysha before she walked over to me and took Keira from my arms.  "How's the little birthday girl?" She asked Keira before kissing her head. "Are you excited for your party?"

Keira, of course, didn't reply.  She doesn't understand about birthdays, she's only had one before and Christmases aren't much better, last year she cried most of the morning while we were unwrapping presents and got bored before she had opened all of hers.  That's why I'm concerned that the whole birthday party will be too overwhelming for her.

As Jessica took Keira and Alleysha downstairs I went back into Adam's bedroom.  "Are you coming down?" I asked him.  "In a minute mum" he replied as he sat up in bed.  "OK well don't be long" I told him as I turned to leave his room and headed downstairs.

Once Adam had finally joined us we enjoyed a family breakfast, all sat round the table.  The radio was playing in the background as we were talking. The Script's new single came on and Adam ran to turn the radio up.  A smirk was playing on Danny's lips and I could see the pride he had.  After 2 years away, the lads had just released their lead single from the new album and it had been very well received.

I was proud of him, of course I was, but I was sad that this meant that our settled family unit was about to be disrupted again.  The album will be released in 6 weeks and then he'll have to go back out on tour again, I've never gotten used to that side of being with Danny.

"Dada" Keira said as she recognised the voice coming from the radio.  Danny smiled as he unclipped the straps on Keira's booster seat and lifted her up.  "It is Dada" he said proudly. 
Keira smiled as Danny started to sing to her.

After we had finished breakfast we headed to the playroom where Keira's birthday presents were waiting for her.  I hadn't wrapped all of them as I knew she'd only get bored with opening them so we took her in and showed her the toys that weren't wrapped before sitting her down on the floor to give her the few that were.  Just as I expected, Keira got bored with opening presents so Alleysha ended up opening most of them for her.  In fairness, I think she was just wanting to get on the ride on train that Danny had I stated that she 'needed'.
Jessica took on a mothering role as she helped Keira onto the train while Alleysha played with some of her other toys, at least someone was interested in them!!  Adam, on the other hand, was bored and as Danny came back with 2 cups of tea for us Adam asked "Dad, can we do some guitar practice?"

"Maybe later bud" Danny said as he handed me my tea and then sat down next to me on the sofa.

Adam let out a sigh and left the playroom.  I looked at Danny with concern, this wasn't Adam's usual behaviour and I think I know why. "He's upset about you leaving again" I whispered to Danny so that the girls wouldn't hear.

"I know" came Danny's reply "I'll talk to him about it" he said reassuringly as he stroked my leg.

We sat in the playroom for a couple of hours just watching the girls play before Danny decided it was time to go and talk to Adam about what was troubling him.

Danny hadn't long left when the phone rang, I suddenly noticed the time was 10:30 so I asked Jessica to go and start helping her sisters to get dressed as I got up to answer the phone.


"Hi Kay, its Glen" he sounded nervous, and it was unusual for him to introduce himself when he called the house.  Danny and I both recognise his voice.

"Hey Glen, what's up?" I asked, trying to stay upbeat as I sensed there was a problem.

"Well, erm, Sophie and I wondered if you and Danny would be able to get someone to look after the kids after Keira's party? There's something we need to talk about" Glen was struggling to get his words out and I knew something wasn't right.

"Is everything OK Glen?" I asked, knowing deep down that the answer was no.

"Yeah, nothing to worry about, we just need to speak to you both so can you get someone?"

I really didn't want to go out after Keira's party, for me, today was just about my little family and enjoying some quality time before Danny leaves.  But I could also tell that what Glen needed to tell us was important so, reluctantly, I agreed.

"Yeah, I'll ask either my mum or Ailish to have them for a few hours" I told him, hoping he would tell me what the mystery meeting was about.

"Great, thanks Kay, we'll see you at 12" was Glen's only reply, as I hung the phone up I knew that all was not well but I had no idea what was wrong.

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