Chapter 85

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Our cars travelled in convoy to the hotel where the after party was being held. The traffic was really busy and it took us almost 40 minutes to travel a distance that should have taken about 5.

"We'd have been quicker walking" Danny said as he shifted restlessly in his seat.

"Probably" I replied mindlessly as I stared out of the window.

I saw Glen and Sophies car coming to a halt outside the doors of the hotel and they made their way from the car to the hotel, the darkness was lit by flashes from the cameras.

"Shit Danny, I'm in the wrong seat" I suddenly said realising that if we both get out of the door nearest the hotel, I will have to get out first.

"I'll get out this side and come round for you" he said as he squeezed my hand. I smiled, wishing I didn't panic so much at these events. "You ready?" he asked staring into my eyes with a little smirk. I nodded before stealing a kiss from him before he got out of the car.

He straightened out his clothes before walking around the car and opening my door, he offered me his hand to help me out of the car and I held it tightly as I stepped out and was greeted by the familiar flashes of cameras. We paused very briefly allowing the photographers to get their photos of us, but it felt overwhelming having our names called from every direction. I was relieved when I saw Mark and Rina's car come to a stop and felt Danny's hand squeezing mine as a sign that we were going to head in. He turned and led me by the hand into the hotel reception area.

Out of sight of the cameras, Danny wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head which was buried into his chest as I took deep controlled breaths to calm down. "Thank you" he said as his arms squeezed my body tighter. You'd have thought after all this time I would've learned to take things like that in my stride but I never have, I always envy Sophie and Rina when we get into a place and they are laughing and joking while I'm just a trembling mess, it's never got easier for me but Danny has never got sick of taking the time out to comfort me afterwards.

"I'm OK" I nodded, exhaling a deep breath.

"Do you want to get a drink before we go in?" Danny asked sympathetically

"Yeah, if you don't mind" I said.

We walked to the hotel bar and ordered our drinks before sitting down on a sofa hidden away in the corner of the bar. We only stayed there for a few minutes of 'normal' conversation but those few minutes were all I needed to feel that I was back to being myself and ready to go and let my hair down in the party.

"I love you" he said with a smirk as I stood up from the sofa.

"Let's go" I said holding my hand out to him pulling him up from the sofa and catching a kiss as he stood up to join me. "I love you more" I said with a giggle as we headed towards the function room.

As Danny opened the doors I saw the after party in full swing, the dancefloor was full and the sounds of chuntering conversations filled the room.

"Mummy" I heard Keira yell just seconds before she launched herself at me. I lifted her up and hugged her. "Can you dance wif me?" she asked pointing over to the dancefloor.

"Come on then" I said as I set her down on her feet and took her hand.

As I looked to Danny, I saw Bono putting a glass of whiskey in his hand before clinking their glasses together. "Great show kid" he said. I wandered off to the dancefloor with Keira, twirling her around as I listened to the giggles coming from her. The other kids came and joined us on the dancefloor with Adam trying to teach me some of his best moves and Jessica laughing as I struggled to get the hang of it.

"Come on, lets go and get a drink" I said to them as the music started to slow down and couples were joining the dancefloor. I headed to the bar collecting orange juice for each of them and then settled them at a table before taking a sip of my wine. I felt a hand slip into mine and turned to see Danny smiling back at me. "I want to dance with my wife" he said with a smile before leading me to the dancefloor where our arms wrapped around each other and we swayed gently to the music, my head resting on his shoulder feeling completely content with everything.

"We should book a getaway." Danny said breaking the silence in our dance.

"Yeah" I nodded slightly, my head still resting against his shoulder.

"I just want everything to be this perfect forever" I knew he was just thinking out loud.

"It will be" I agreed contently as we continued to sway.

As the dancefloor started to clear we wandered blissfully happy over to the table where the family were sat.

"Daniel, I think I'm going to head off now, do you want me to take the kids with me?" Ailish asked as we sat down.

"No Mum, it's fine, they can stay here with us." He said as his hand found its way to my knee.

"Are you sure?" she asked, her eyebrow raised slightly "This party doesn't look like it's ending anytime soon." She said to him sternly. Danny looked to me, asking without words what he should do.

"If you don't mind having them tonight Ailish that would be great" I said with a grateful smile. "I'll come back with you and get the kids settled for the night if you want?"

"No Kay, don't worry about it, you enjoy yourself." She said reassuringly.

"Honestly Ailish, I'd rather come and settle the kids in bed, like you said, this party isn't ending anytime soon."

"Do you want me to come too?" Danny asked.

"Enjoy your success babe" I said as I kissed him tenderly "I won't be long".

We gathered up everything that we needed, and I headed out with Ailish and the kids to the waiting car, Danny helped me to get the kids strapped into the car and then wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me into him. "Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?" he asked again

"Honestly, it'll be quicker if I just go, I promise I won't be long." I said as I kissed his lips tenderly.

"I miss you already" he replied his breath warming against my face as I smiled before getting into the car.

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