Chapter 6

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Over the next two weeks we regained some kind of normality. Glen was discharged from hospital 3 days after his operation as the doctors were really pleased with his progress. We didn't visit him in hospital much due to the '2 people at a bedside' rule and we knew that Sophie was there most of the time so we ended up being able to spend some time with our families before they left London.

Glen eventually told Luke about his operation, I guess he had to because there is going to be a press release made tomorrow morning to let the fans know that "although the album release will go ahead as planned, due to illness in the band there will be no promo and no tour dates will be released". I understand that Glen doesn't want the world knowing the ins and outs of his business but the statement they have agreed is so vague, I can't imagine what the fans will think when they see it.

Mark has thrown himself into work at Madnotes and doesn't seem to be phased by the hiatus that the band are currently on. Danny, on the other hand, appears to be in complete denial that the tour will not be happening and I've given up on trying to talk to him about it because it only ends up causing rows and I don't need to take the blame for this, he'll realise soon that he's not going on tour.

As I finished the night time routine with the kids, I collapsed onto the sofa and turned on the TV. I checked my phone to see if there was any word from Danny as to when he would be home but there were no missed calls or text messages, surely he can't still be at Glen's? He left at 8am and I haven't heard from him since.

I threw my phone on the sofa next to me as I snuggled under a blanket while I watched the TV. I must've fallen asleep as I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing.

"Hello" I answered, not fully awake.

"Kay, is Danny with you?" Mark asked

"No, he went to see Glen this morning and I haven't seen him since, why?"

"He's not with Glen Kay, Glen's been rushed back into hospital. Sophie's just rang us" Mark rushed out his words.

"Shit Mark, I can't come down, the kids are in bed and I've got nobody to watch them." I frantically wracked my brain to think of who I could ask.

"Kay if you want to come to the hospital with us, Cameron's here and he can sit with the kids while you're out? It's up to you?" he offered.

"Yeah that would be great Mark, as long as he doesn't mind" I said relieved that I could go to see Glen.

When we hung up the phone I tried to ring Danny but the call went straight to voicemail, it's not really the kind of news that I want him picking up from a voicemail message so I simply said "Danny, can you ring me when you get this?"

Cameron arrived shortly after.

"Thanks for this Cam" I said as I opened the door.

"That's OK Auntie Kay, I don't mind" he said "Mum and Dad are waiting in the car for you."

"Well, help yourself to anything in the fridge and I'll let you know when I'll be back. The kids are all in bed so they shouldn't cause you any problems but ring me if they do" I said as I rushed out the door.

As I got into the car, Rina pulled away without even giving me a chance to get my seatbelt on.

"What's happened?" I asked

"Glen collapsed and that's all we know" Mark answered "where's Danny?"

"I don't know" I answered, feeling annoyed that he had just disappeared "I've left him a message to ring me but haven't heard back from him"

In no time at all, we were pulling up in the hospital car park. After abandoning the car we ran to find Sophie. She was sat in a waiting room on her own, confusion was the only look we all had in common. She told us that the doctors had taken Glen straight through and she was told to just wait here. Apparently, Glen had been fine all day and then just collapsed but Sophie couldn't wake him so she called an ambulance.

"Is Danny with the kids?" Sophie asked as she noticed he was missing.

"No, I thought he was at yours, I've no idea where he is" I replied.

"He said he was going to meet Leroy buy that was at about 1" Sophie told me.

"That explains it then" I said rolling my eyes. Leroy and Danny have been spending a lot of time together over the past week, I don't even know where they met but he is like Danny's new best friend. I really don't like him and I've told Danny that I won't have him in the house. To be honest I don't understand what they have in common, Leroy is in his early twenties, which means Danny is old enough to be his dad. It's a friendship that I can't fathom but Danny says that he feels like Leroy understands him and is helping him right now, whatever that's supposed to mean?

After an hour or so, a doctor came to speak to Sophie. "I'm sorry to have kept you waiting so long" he started "We've managed to stabilise Glen now but we're going to have to keep him in for observation overnight. You're welcome to stay with him if you want"

Sophie nodded and we were taken to Glen's room.

"Man, you scared us" Mark said as he walked into the room.

"Didn't mean to" Glen replied with a smile. "You didn't all have to come down you know" he laughed.

"You know us Glen, always here in a crisis" Rina joked.

I stood in the room feeling embarrassed that the only person missing was Danny. Rina was right, the 6 of us always came together in hard times, it's been that way now for as long as I can remember and tonight, when Glen needed him most, hell I needed him, Danny's nowhere to be found.

Once we were sure that Glen was OK and Sophie had everything she needed, we headed home. It was almost midnight as we got back into the car and set off from the hospital.

My phone rang just as we were approaching my street. I saw that it was Cameron calling and answered quickly.


"Auntie Kay, you need to come home. Uncle Danny's just got back and I think he's drunk. He's thrown me out of the house saying that I had no right to be there"

"Cameron calm down" I reassured him "We'll be there in a minute"

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